Friday 3 September 2021

A Ride Out To Fenit of "Feenit" even!

 I am often corrected when I pronounce Irish words.  For example Rory Gallagher one of my Blues Rock guitar heroes surname Gallagher is pronounced without the second "G" over here. I've always pronounced the second "G".   On Monday morning we discussed where we had been for the weekend with my work colleagues.  I said: "we went to Fenit in County Kerry and I was told "You mean Feenit".

 Spelt Fenit!

Any road or I digress:

Fenit is rather beautiful and is on the opposite side of Tralee Bay and Camp  where I recently posted  a blog about on here.  It was  a pleasant few hours walking about along the beach and the dog had a swim. 


  1. In my experience bulls are just big pussy cats. If walking through a field with a bull in it just relax. Whistle to him and he'll come running over. Offer him a mint or a toffee and hold it out on the palm of your hand. Then you'll be able to stroke his cheeks and tell him what a good boy he is.

  2. Looks like you had good weather for your visit. I like the lighthouse shot. Quite atmospheric in that pale, sunny haze.

  3. What if he's French like a Limousin or a Charlais bull YP? My French is not very good. I think the best advice for walking near bulls is to keep on the other side of the fence.

    1. Walking on the other side of the fence makes the bull feel lonesome and unwanted. You gotta hug the bull and make him feel loved. Just like Jim Bowen in "Bullseye".

  4. Thanks JayCee. I will pass on your compliment to my chief photographer. The first photo reminded me of St Michael's Mount in Cornwall. It's almost mystical looking. It also helps when it's not raining.

  5. Or you could ask the bull for your bus fare home like the losing contestants on Bullseye YP.

  6. Being Welsh, I have trouble with Scottish and Cornish place names, so I know how you feel. Give me a DD, an LL or a CH and me brain has to think twice!

  7. Hi the veg artist. I have the same problem when I go to the Algarve and I say Portuguese place names with my broad Lancashire accent. Even my workmates take me off and impersonate me saying; "Not so bad."


A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...