Wednesday 8 September 2021

"Keep on Carbooting In The Cheap World"

 If Neil Young was me he'd be probably singing my blog title.

It was a mizzle day in Kinsale and we stopped there and switched to Google maps and followed the road to our carboot destination.

Well one needs to satisfy their inner Womble don't they just?

Here's some treasure we found:

So what  have we got here? There's a pastoral scene picture in the middle of the table.  A book about Amy Winehouse by her dad.  That will no doubt be a blog topic at a later date.  More cottage teapots and I treated the missus to a salt and pepper and mustard cottage on a tray set.  They are from the nineteen forties and the collection gets even more abundant.  I also did purchase a wooden cow money box with a missing ear.  The tablecloth came from a charity shop recentlyand cost the princely sum of two Euros.

Not a bad mornings treasure hunting in the Irish mizzle.  We also went to Iceland.  The shop not the country!😊


  1. That's a good collection you bagged there. Keeping the local economy going 😉

  2. Absolutely JayCee. If you find some carboot treasure you've got to buy it. It's great to go carbooting again after the lockdown.

  3. I'm so envious. We loved going car booting, we were up very early on Sunday and off. Both too decrepit now, lol

  4. Lots of treasures. I like the sound of the cow without the ear. I also like the idea of a supermarket shop. Haven't done one of those in many months. We just use the local grocers. Boring!

  5. Allotments and car booting. We share the same two interests Briony. I hope you get to one very soon.

  6. Hi Linda. The cow money boxwith the missing ear caught my eye and I had to bring it home. It was a good way to pass a few hours.

  7. Hey Dave, Not really related to this post - although it kind of is related to good purchases! I write an article for country smallholding about farm machinery every month and I was thinking of maybe writing about root choppers - I seem to rememeber you had one you used? Would it be possible to send you an email to ask some questions or to chat about about it? Also to maybe use a picture you have of it? I think it would make an interesting piece.
    My email is on the contacts page of my blog

  8. Hi Kev. Yes there's one around here in the haggard. I haven't used it for a few years. Not so much root choppers but I will tell you a tale: Furze machines were often used to feed crushed Gorse. A bachelor farmer would often check a maiden young lady to see if she had all her fingers intact. If she had lost the top of her fingers in the Furze machine she wouldn't be able to hand milk the cows. 😊

  9. I love the little cruet set/

    Under ground, over ground, wombling free
    The womble of The Sheep Shed Peninsula is he
    He wombles by day and he wombles by night
    And comes home with a pile of...treasure!

  10. Thanks YP. The crust set takes me back to my Irish grandmother's kitchen. It's from the 1940s me thinks? Amazing it's still intact.

    Ha, ha. One man's trash is another man's treasure!

  11. The cruet set even. Silly autocorrect is changing my words again.

    1. A cruel set would involve manacles, a bull whip, some candles and a season ticket to Manchester United plus a night in a hotel room with Boris Johnson.

  12. I would buy a pint for BJ'S Barber. Old Twinkle Toes will strut his stuff at the Theatre of Dreams tomorrow. I wish I was there for the wonderous spectacle.

  13. Hi Debby. Yes you never know what you will being home with you. Your set on a tray sounds like a good blog post.

  14. I also love the cruet set. so cute


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