Sunday, 23 October 2022

Night Time In The Countryside Next ToThe Sea.

 The nights are really drawing in now and the clocks change next weekend when it's a Bank Holiday weekend in Hibernia.

Feeding time at the zoo or even kitchen.  
Like children on Christmas Day.  Tiger Kitty loves a box to play with.  She says the cardboard box is better than the beer.  Oh for a pint of Doombar in a Wetherspoons.
The fire was lit at four yesterday.  We are only burning wood at the moment.  One thing about living in the countryside means you still keep warm with a real fire.  Do you live in a smokeless zone or do you have a stove like ours?


  1. We have a fire just like yours. It heats most of the house. Thank goodness we don't have to light ours yet!

  2. We live in a smokeless zone Dave. We had a new gas fire fitted in our front room this week. It cost as much as a holiday in The Algarve. All we need now is some gas if that nice Mr Putrid turns off the war.

  3. Coal is 40 Euros a bag at the moment over here. So we won't be buying any for a while. We saw piles of orange trees when we visited the Algarve recently. I bet the aroma off them is divine

  4. They can import gas in tankers from Japan or even mine the 200 years of coal what's still under the ground in Blighty YP. There even banning the selling of peat or turf in Ireland. Thankfully there are no smokeless zones in the countryside.

  5. We are not allowed to install a fire in our house as it is a Registered Building. We are using hot water bottles at the moment as we are too stingy to turn on the central heating.

  6. I have a fire like yours Dave. It is still warm enough for me to eat my tea outside. I light the woodburner as it can be cooler in the house than outside. I like the photographs of the cats. It looks a bit like feeding time here too.

  7. Oh! Would it not have been heated by a coal stove or boiler when it was a church JayCee? We have oil central heating but we are not turning it on yet. You're not stingy your being sensible.

    1. I don't think it had any heating at all when it was still a church, Dave, unless they used an electric heater in more recent times. The congregation probably just shivered!

    2. Brr... If it was a Pentecostal church they could have kept warm jumping around and singing "Hallelujah".

  8. Thanks Rachel. Your woodburner sounds great. I love watching a real fire. I have even been k own to collect driftwood and dry it and use it for firewood.

  9. We have a lovely woodburner. The back of it slides into the fireplace and a chimney slips inside the fireplace chimney to direct the smoke outside. It has glass doors just like yours and the reflection of the flames dancing on the hardwood floors makes such a pretty scene. I like to sit un the sofa wrapped up in a blanket and watch it in the evenings. What time does it get dark there?

  10. Your Woodburn sounds delightful Debby. It gets dark around seven at the moment. The clocks change next week and it will be dark much earlier. At least it's an extra hour in the bed.

  11. Third attempt, we have been anon, and then simply refused access and now we can say the Tigger thinks Tiger kitty is very beautiful and has an enviable tail. He also identifies with her penchant for cardboard boxes. Woodburning stove in our house - heats all the important bits (over heats if we are not careful).

  12. Thanks for your purrs everance Tigger. Sounds like your woodburner is just purr fect. Tiger Kitty likes you Tigger.

  13. PS: I heard this song, and always meant to tell you that it reminds me of you and yours all tucked away:

  14. Absolutely beautiful Debby. Thank you. Sometimes the isolation and rain s over powering and other times it's bliss. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

  15. Life is the same. There can be no contentment unless we understand discontent, no happiness if we don't understand misery. It is all a mixed bag. In the end, most of us discover that we had more good than bad.


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