Saturday, 8 October 2022

Time To Plant My Japanese Onions And Garlic.

 Ever since my allotment days back in England in the nineties I have planted Japanese over wintering onions and garlic sets. 

I like to plant them in compost filled plastic modules in the polytunnel.  This gives them a good start and they have a good root sock when I plant them out in the cold and probably very wet ground. 

The plastic polytunnel cover tore again the other day.  I will invest in a new cover next Spring when the Atlantic gales have abated.

Any one else grow Japanese onions or Garlic during the Winter?  It's great to see their green stalks growing through the snow.


  1. The autumn gales are usually pretty fierce aren't they? I hope your new polytunnel will be very robust.
    Instead of calling it Portugal you could call it Sahara.

  2. If we ever built an house again it would have a basement to go into when the gales arrive. It would be my man cave with a bar, pool table and jukebox full of Kansas and Thin Lizzy records. Good name for a polytunnel JayCee. We might be able to patch min up again. Fingers crossed 🤞.

  3. I have planted nothing yet. The garden is hard and dry. I'm waiting for the first rain. Then it will be rocket, lettuces, spring onions and garlic. Good luck with yours

  4. Thanks Linda. I'm going to get back into growing more veg again next year instead of propagating perennials that we can't eat.

  5. As I am not Japanese, I do not grow Japanese onions. I grow Yorkshire onions which are hard, robust, tasty and vigorous and never let you down. Garlic is for Frogs and Eyeties and makes your breath stink.

  6. Japanese Winter onions grow through the toughest of winters YP. You harvest them in June or earlier before the traditional onions are ready. I love garlic and anything hot and spicy.

    1. I thought you said you were half English and half Irish. Now, with the garlic, I suspect you are French! Were you in "Allo,Allo"?

  7. "I will say this only once". I have English, Welsh and Irish ancestry YP.

  8. I have never heard of japanese onions until I began reading your blog, but when I typed in Japanese onions, I did not come up with winter onions. I just found some 'over winter' onions locally. I'm going to try them in the green house. Is your garlic just the regular garlic or a special variety?

  9. Yes they are the same thing Debby. We struggle to grow garlic it hates the wet Irish climate. Might grow them in ridges or polytunnel.


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