Friday, 3 January 2025

More Dorset 2018 Pics For Your Perusal.

Tank museum. I think this visited somewhere sandy like Southport or maybe the Gulf?  
This could be a Lilliput Lane church with its honey stone masonry.
I spotted this walled kitchen garden.  I was in my element.  It must have had lots of fym spread from the horses stables and the cow shed because nettles grew everywhere.  

There is an old country saying: " Where nettles grow anything will grow.  I would have loved to see the productive vegetables garden in all it's glory.  I have walked around the one at Heligan in Cornwall.  I have read that they built the walls so people from the big house could not see or smell the big piles of fym.  I don't  think is so because the walls protect crops and create a unique microclimate and vegetables are ready to harvest so much quicker.
Winterbourne Came where the Dorset poet, vicar and polymath  William Barnes lived and is buried.
One of Thomas Hardy's residences.  I think we visited 3 of them?  This one is in Wimborne.  We visited Wimborne Folk Festival whilst visiting there.
Ice cream for dogs.

Durdle Door.  Stunningly beautiful and featured in quite a few films or filums like they say in Ireland.  Far From The Madding Crowd comes to mind.

I think Dorset is probably the prettiest county in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.   


  1. "I think Dorset is probably the prettiest county in England". No, you are wrong there Dave. It's Yorkshire.

  2. It's not YP. Yorkshire is bestowed with beauty. But Dorset is free from so much industrialisation and post industrialisation. I think a lot of southern counties lived off the Midlands engineering and Lancashire's cotton and coal mining and Yorkshire's coal mining and wool heritage. I quite like Herefordshire too.

    1. As fans often sing at Hull City home matches - "Yorkshire! Yorkshire! Yorkshire!" You need to get an appointment at Specsavers Dave.

    2. I like Middlesbrough and Michael Carrick.

  3. Sorry Dave and YP, Somerset holds the title of prettiest place in UK, Marlene, Poppypatchwork

    1. Jacob Rees-Mogg lives there so it can't be very nice.

    2. I don't like Hinkley Point either.

  4. Yes the west country is very beautiful in England Marlene. Ireland is rather spectacular when the weather behaves. Then of course there is Portugal😊.

  5. If you win the lottery Dave...

  6. I could afford to buy somewhere there JayCee. I would need to sell everything for my Algarve villa.

  7. Is Durdle Door the rock feature you see young folks leaping from? It is so high, and it gives me a sickish feeling to think of being atop of it.

  8. Yes Debby. It's a 200 foot limestone formation. Lots of films and music videos have been filmed there. Far From The Madding Crowd was filmed there.

  9. Shame for a walled garden to be growing nothing but nettles - unless they are into industrial quantities of nettle beer. Have you ever made nettle beet?

  10. The story of so many big houses and their estates TM. A lot of the owners could no longer afford to pay for the staff and the gardens became overgrown and neglected. They would make great allotments. We have made nettles soup but not beer.


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