Sunday, 26 January 2025

Packet Soup. When You Can't Be Bothered Digging Up Your Leeks To Make A Bowl Of Soup.

 Lidl packet soup.  I think it cost 75 Cents ?🤔

J picked it up from our local German garden centre and beer providers and supermarket the other day.

Yesterday I spent an hour feeding the rabbits and weeding some of my new rooted shrub cutting and divided perennials.  I couldn't find my gardening gloves and used my bare fingers instead.  They felt like they were dropping off.

I decided to make some warm soup but I couldn't be mithered ( northern English word) getting my trusty garden fork and digging up one of my leeks.

Instead I made soup out of a packet.  I often get accused that when I cook every pot, pan and utensil is used.  This is not strictly true.  I don't use everything.

So what was your packet soup like Dave?  I will show you:


Packet soup.

It made us warm and reminded me of that stuff they served in Littlewoods stores cafes over in dear old Blighty.  

The ones that my mum and dad always insisted we went in when going clothes shopping in C and A on city visits to places like Manchester and Chester.

If you are a Wayne or Waynetta kind of person I would say it would do.  However if you are an organic vegetable gardener like me I would go and dig up a leek and make your own.  In fairness if you were in a hurry the packet soup would suffice!  At least it warmed me up!

Anyone else voting for putting packet soup in room 101 with hoovers and hair dryers?


  1. I don't really like soup very much except for Heinz Vegetable which I have with Aunt Bessies Toad in the Hole. Both together make a quick, filling meal. I have never made soup. Sometimes in cold weather I have Heinz Tomato and that reminds me of my mother. I only buy Heinz soup that comes in small tins so is probably why I am confined to Vegetable and Tomato!

    1. I love our homegrown and homemade potato and leek soup Rachel. Baxters made good tin soup. Cock a Leakie especially. We never see it over here. I agree Heinz products are the nicest tasting. We tried Bachelors baked beans last night. Pull funny face time. Heinz beans are the best. Our homemade soup tastes best when J bakes one of her Odlums Irish soda bread mixes. Beef stew for tea tonight. Thanks Rachel.

  2. Yes, it can have packet soups, but I'll keep the hairdryer, thanks.
    I'll be making tomato, red pepper, and lentil soup later.

  3. Packet soups aren't the best Jules. Your soup sounds delicious. I hope you write a post with photos of your soup. Soon it will be to soft dulcet tones of a neighbours ride on lawnmower. They are something else I would put in Room 101 with the Hoovers. Thanks Jules.

  4. There's nowt wrong with a traditional packet soup. You get the water from your tap instead of humping it around in a tin if you see what I mean - though homemade soup from scratch is of course best.I would put ALL vacuum cleaners in Room 101 - not just the "Hoover" brand. The man or woman who invents a silent vacuum cleaner should be awarded a Nobel prize. Other things I would put in Room 101 include all of ABBA's records and every copy of "Unleashed" by Boris Johnson.

  5. What great marketing YP. "Get some corporation pop and stir in some packet soup and warm it up on top of stove". I have never met anyone who didn't like ABBA. Even the cows sing: " Thank you for the moosick!"
    I didn't know Bozza could write. What about his attempt at writing pop songs? " We are going to party like it's number 10".

    1. Currently every big supermarket in Britain has copies of "Unleashed" on display. Someone has put out a spoof version - "Unhinged"! And yes - I do detest ABBA's formulaic pop music, always have done. It was all so shallow - like muzak in a lift.

  6. I have just been reading a sample of "Unleashed" on my Kindle YP. It looks hilarious. "He not only got Brexit Done. He Got Britain Done". " So Long" is a brilliant ABBA track. Ted Nugent (seen him live) offered 10 million Dollars to buy Muzak. Just to destroy it for ever. Muzak was used by psychologists to speed up supermarket shoppers and people using lifts.

  7. I always make my own soup as I prefer to control my salt and additives consumption, but P likes to have one of those soup in a cup sachets on cold wintry afternoons when I drink tea.

    1. Your so right about salt and additives JayCee. We had some bought frozen pizza that we put in the oven and I was itchy and irritable. Cuppa Soups are good on a cold winter's day when you have been outside. It's gone a lot colder here today.

  8. Keep your mitts off my hairdryer and vacuum sir!

    Do you dehydrate your vegetables ever, Dave? You can make a lot of 'instant soups' using dehydrated vegetables and broth.

  9. Those washing machines when they are spinning to finish are also very annoying Debby. There was a lot to be said for a Dolly Tub and a mangle in the yard. Catholic soap should be used for shirt collars. I am joking.😊

    Never dehydrated vegetables. I once make chips from a tin of new potatoes. Did you ever see Ted Nugent play?

    1. I can't abide Ted Nugent. He's got quite an ego on him.

    2. True. But what a 🎸 guitarist Debby? He's up there with the best of them.

  10. Definitely emergency rations!

  11. Definitely GZ. My old departed friend use to describe army tea. Warm and sweet. His brother's experience in the armed services.

  12. I was going to say it was many years since we had any packeted soup, but then I remembered that DH goes for "Cup-a-Soup" sometimes when I'm not around. I don't use packeted - or jars of- anything if I can avoid it - pasta sauces and the like are just so inferior to the real thing. Because there're just the two of us, I make for 4 or 6 and freeze the remainders. That way I don't need to worry about what might be the added ingredients!

  13. I agree Virginia. The real thing is the best.


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