Monday, 3 March 2025

Solar Street Lights In The Algarve.

Solar street lights in Castro Marim.

We saw the future last week and it was not garlic bread.

Us culchies or country dwellers in rural Ireland don't have street lights and from August until around now it's pitch black at tea time.

We were on a bus to Castro Marim last week and we saw these solar panels.  What a perfect solution especially for rural areas?

Apparently they cost around 2000 Euros.  Use LED bulbs and need no electricity supply.

Recently here in Ireland the county council's have been reducing  the speeds on rural roads from 80 K to 60 and changing the road signs.  This must of cost thousands nationally.  Perhaps they could look at solar power street lighting?

I would love to go a walk with Bronte at night like the people in the towns and villages can.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

"Vorsprung Durk Technik" With The Condiments.

Sheer genius.  A pair of scissors to open the sachets of condiments. 

I had the repeat of the tomato ketchup murder scene in the kitchen the other day with the ketchup.  Except I was sat outside a restaurant and giving free entertainment for onlookers.

I squeezed the corner of the sachet with my teeth and duly sprayed tomato/🍅 sauce my T shirt and shorts with tomato ketchup.

So I washed them in the shower and left them overnight on the hotel balcony on a plastic seat to dry and of course they didn't dry, and we had to walk round the corner to a launderette, to pay 3 Euros to dry them for 18 minutes.  

We even walked to a supermarket to pass the time and there was still 9 minutes left to watch the dryer spin.

Then one day last week we sat outside a cafe bar and J ordered an ham and cheese toasty with chips and I had a Club sandwich and J had a glass of house wine and I had a large beer or Super Bock. 

The condiments came with a pair of scissors.  I have seen the future and it's not garlic bread!


Solar Street Lights In The Algarve.

Solar street lights in Castro Marim. We saw the future last week and it was not garlic bread. Us culchies or country dwellers in rural Irela...