Sunday, 23 March 2025

Making A New Lawn Or Extending The Veg Patch.

 I have been busy around home and working for someone.

I planted a home grown Griselina hedge the other day.  If you remember on here I grew them from cuttings in the Autumn.  It's satisfying to know you can grow your own plants for free.

A little hedge planted in front of my plastic repurposed heating oil tanks and second hand baths.  The Japanese onions 🌰 and the leeks love growing in them.

I raked out an area and stone picked it to make a new lawn.  We are quite short on potatoes 🥔 space so I might buy some more seed potatoes.
Newly stone picked and raked area for prospective lawn area.

Potatoes 🥔 🥔 are said to be great for breaking ground.  I think us gardeners help the great digging and cultivating the potatoes.

If I do sow a lawn I will be giving myself a chore again mowing in.  Although lawn seed is cheap.

What would you do extend the veg plot or reseed the lawn?

Potatoes are said 


  1. I would extend the veg plot. You can't eat grass - I think???

  2. I think I will plant more potatoes and I might put it back to grass when we have harvested them?🤔

  3. When we had the hole dug for the basement of the new house, we had a mountain of dirt behind the house. We had that spread last fall, so the house is surrounded by a vast expanse of bare dirt. I've got flowers and shrubs to plant in the front of the house. We have seeded the rest of it, partially in seed, but part of it has been planted as a food plot for deer. We'll see how that works out for us.

    1. Sounds good Debby. Some people let their gardens go wild to create natural habitats. I would love to see some photos on your blog of your new garden.

  4. I would always go for veg, I'm not a fan of grass, our 'lawn' is fake, better for when the grandchildren are running around, it's drains quickly after any rain, plus hubby was always trying to make a perfect lawn when it was grass. If left to me we would not have any lawns, real or fake, and for the haters, with all the other planting in the plot, our garden is full of wildlife.

  5. Hi Marlene. Yes artificial grass saves a lot of mowing and you don't have the very not pleasant dulcet tones of a petrol lawnmower to listen to every week in the summer. I am sure you are not frightening everything away like strimmers and lawnmowers do? I will get some more seed potatoes to chit this week.

  6. We tried growing grass here 15 years ago. Even bought a lawn mower. The grass needed too much water and didn't grow well. We gave the mower to the taverna up the road. I don't think they ever used it either. Their outdoor area is gravel and dust in the summer.

  7. What would you do extend the veg plot or reseed the lawn? I would do neither. Instead I would hire a JCB and dig a hole for an outdoor swimming pool. There'd be a diving board and a Jacuzzi section. Of course, it would need to be heated.

  8. Hi Linda. I bought a cheap oscillating hose sprinkler last year from Lidl. It's brilliant and cuts out the chore of watering crops or grass.

  9. I would like a sun terrace YP. Funnily enough they have never taken off in Ireland. Strange.🤔

  10. Fruit and veges, no hesitation!!

  11. You could be right GZ. I hope we all have a great summer this year.

  12. Hello. I’ve come over from local kiwi alien. I live in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia We are now harvesting than planting out I’m not sure how big your plot of land is so I cannot comment on which way you should proceed.
    I do look forward to finding out.

  13. Raking and stone picking - all too familiar but at this stage I'm only picking stuff bigger than my fist. No grass for us but I do plan to plant tussocks (native grass that you don't mow) because there is a limit to veg garden and veg gardens are work too.

  14. It will be go to see your new garden TM.


Making A New Lawn Or Extending The Veg Patch.

 I have been busy around home and working for someone. I planted a home grown Griselina hedge the other day.  If you remember on here I grew...