Wednesday 10 March 2021

Escape To Iceland.

I accompanied the wife to Cork city on Tuesday.  She had an hospital appointment.  It was the first time we'd been there since before Christmas.

The Guards (Garda) stopped us three times, twice on the way up and once on the way home.  Each time they asked us the purpose of our journey.  My wife told them we had an hospital appointment in Cork.  They didn't  look at the letter and told us to carry on.   If we had not had a reasonable or essential reason for our journey we would have 100 Euros (each) on the spot fines for breaching our five Kilometres restrictions.  

I waited in the hospital carpark for over an hour, watched 4 planes in the sky  landing and read blogs..

We decided to kill one bird with two stones and drove to Ballincollig and visited Iceland:

I nearly missed the Iceland writing off my photograph.

Some of our Blighty food and drink favourites including: Ravioli,  Piccalilli, beans N sausages, a Fray Bentos pie in a tin and a big bottle of Vimto.  We also bought some frozen meals and some Spam Fritters.

Roll on the day when we go to these places all the time!  Five Kilometres is a bit restrictive isn't it?

Where would you like to shop when or if the restrictions lockdown ever end?  I never thought I would miss Argos.  Don't we live in strange times? 


  1. Your post makes me want to buy and then bake and devour a Fray Bentos steak and kidney pie! Did you know that Fray Bentos is a port city in western Uruguay?

  2. Good YP. Yes I knew about Fray Bentos from a previous corned beef post of mine. I believe Fray Bentos exported 16 million tons of corned beef to allied troops in Europe and North Africa during ww2.

    1. Plus three and a half black puddings and a banana called Steve.

  3. And Woodbines, Spam and two crates of Newcastle Brown Ale and a sack of Mars bars.

  4. 5kms!! You're distant travellers!! We are allowed 2kms. Not that anyone on the island takes any notice of that. We live 5kms from the nearest shop. However going off the island, like you, we need papers and a good excuse.
    Shopping therapy!! Nice purchases.
    Wouldn't mind any of that haul

  5. Hi Linda. It's the simple everyday fiod and drink items that you miss so much. There's talk of the 5 km restrictionsvending on April the 5th. We'll see. Sigh 😓.

  6. My dad used to buy those tinned steak and kidney pies to cook for our tea when we were kids. Mum had scarpered by then so anything quick and easy to fill us up. I am not keen on them these days though. Perhaps too many memories.

  7. Hi JayCee. I know what you mean. I saw Spam fritters and I was back in the 20th century. You and P live in a lovely place. It's very windy here tonight.

    1. Brewing up a storm here too.

    2. Johnny Walker night caps here JayCee. Batten down the hatches. Sleep tight.

  8. That is the second time I've heard of Vimto in the past 3 days or so. Is it soda pop? Sounds scary to be stopped multiple times and asked your business.

  9. Hi Debby. It's a cordial drink that you add water to. Created in Manchester, Lancashire, England. There is also a fizzy version now. I don't like being stopped and asked your business. The guard who stopped us on the way there, stopped us on the way back must have remembered our broad North country accents. He just said: "Your good". Why can't they all be like him?

  10. You posted the following comment which I can't load so I will type it out Debby:

    Sounds like a bit of obedience training would do you good, sir.

  11. Cheryl Ladd in Charlie's Angel's quote?

  12. Hope Mrs N is OK? (veg artist)

  13. Hi Veg artist. Just the usual ageing problems like rheumatism, arthritis and living in a very cold and wet climate. She doesn't have any pain when we go to the Algarve. Hope you're OK after last nights gales?

  14. As far as we know, no damage, but we've not been around the garden yet. The wind was noisy in the night though. Tell Mrs N that I know all about bad joints! (veg artist)

  15. Good. The home made patch held on the polytunnel. I have an old back injury and it flares up when the weather is wet and cold and when I aggravate it after completing physical work. The Joy's of growing old and living where we live. Hope we have a great summer.


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