Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Starting The Onion Sets Off In Compost Filled Trays In "Portugal" My Polytunnel.

 It's still very cold to think of planting or sowing anything outside yet.  However if you want to give your onion sets a good start instead of them lying in the cold and wet clay/earth.  Why not plant them in compost filled trays or modules in the polytunnel,  greenhouse, cold frame or indoor window sill?

Newly planted onion sets in my polytunnel.   You can also see my "Japs" or winter onions growing on the right of the picture. 

When you come to plant your onion sets in a couple of weeks or so they will have strong stalks and white sock roots.  

Yes we know you can buy onions in net bags for 49 Cents from one of those discount supermarkets but it's not the same and you have to weed your homegrown ones.

I need to get some compost like "Jack's Magic" to start some peas off in modules and sow some Brussel sprouts seeds.  Do any of you make your own potting compost? A John Innes number three recipe perhaps?  

Do you grow your onions in compost in trays?  The wife's just come back from town with 3 bales of Irish Moss Compost.  They mus have been outside in the rain because they weigh a ton.  Aren't I a lucky lad?  Time to go potting up!


  1. That woman spoils you, Dave!

  2. I know JayCee. I've just been told one of the bales of compost belongs to her before I use it all! We need a polytunnel each.

  3. Do the "Japs" have little prisoner of war camps where they torture the other seed vegetables?

  4. Maybe YP. Perhaps I should set up a video camera in yonder polytunnel? We use to play "Japs" and "Commandoes" when I was growing up in dear old Blighty. "Bang, bang, bang... You're dead." "No I'm not I've got my barleys up." Those were the days.

  5. Mrs Northsider hoovers AND buys you compost? You are a lucky man.

  6. I know Debby. She also does the shopping and cooks my tea. I have acquired the skills of how to use the washing machine and tumble dryer and dishwasher. The wife is also good at sowing seeds and knitting. I am the chief vegetable plot digger.

  7. There are some who can only sow discord. It is my goal to have a dishwasher some day. I am the dishwasher at our house.

  8. True. Dishwashers are good but they don't empty themselves. I want another polytunnel. Preferably somewhere warm like Portugal.

  9. We are eating our spring onions now. They're very tasty in a lettuce salad

  10. Excellent. I got some Snowball main onion crops today from our German garden centre and beer providers.😊


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

I wonder where: "Knowing one's onions" came from? I recently planted my onions sets in compost filled plastic modules before I...