Friday 12 March 2021

Rooted Cuttings In The Carrot Baths.


Sedum cuttings I made last year.  I repotted them and topped them up with compost the other day.  Keen eyed viewers will note the bath on the right contained carrots last week or so. Sedums die back in the winter.  But they are coming back now.  Hopefully Spring and Summer is on the way?

Cotoneaster cuttings I made last Autumn.  All doing well.

I can't wait for carboot sales to return and I can sell some of my plants.  Why can supermarkets sell gardening stuff but we can't?  Carboot sales are mostly out in the fresh air after all.  


  1. As you use your baths for plants where do the Northsider family bathe nowadays? Perhaps you grab a hosepipe and hose each other down once a week. Personal hygiene is very important.

  2. Mainly puddles, waterfalls and the sea YP. Our bath in the dwelling is full of coal and all the doors and skirting boards made good firewood long ago.

    1. I was going to send some money to the Yemen Relief Appeal but instead I shall be sending it to The Northsider Support Fund. By the way, what is your shoe size? I also have a spare coat and some purple sprouting broccoli seeds.

  3. I thought all northerners kept coal in their baths YP? Obviously this must be a stereotype. My shoe size is 11 or 44 European. What I really need are liquid refreshments like Newcastle Brown Ale and Theakstons Old Peculier.

    1. We are a bit more civilised over here in Yorkshire but we still keep rabbits in the sideboard. Lucky for you that my feet are also Size 11! Irish law disallows the import of NBA & TOP since Brexshit.

    2. Indeed you sound very sophisticated Mr Pudding. We use to have an House rabbit too and a spider called erm.. Spider.

      Didn't know about the new Irish law on importing fine ales. I did notice my Vimto is more expensive now.

    3. I am so sophisticated that I never fart. By the way, sorry to be the bearer of bad news Dave but "Vimto" will not get you pissed.

    4. I am so sophisticated YP that I get out of the bath to have a wee. If you consult Professor Google and type Vimto cocktails. You will me amazed at the many ways Vodka can get you drunk and inebriated. Are you applying for the Sheffield United job?

    5. I,m going to call you ‘the banter boy,s’ lol

    6. It's good to have a sense of humour Briony.

  4. I shall send some essential supplies too. We have some surplus caviar and foie gras. Which year is your preference for Dom Perignon, the 1990 or the 1996?

  5. 1990 please JayCee. It's worth two hundred and fifty Pounds. We'll wash it down with our vinegar butties. Sarsons of course. 😃

  6. So many of your rules leave me with questions. Your question about carboot sales is a valid one.

    I am also left with another question: What exactly are vinegar butties. I thought butties were sandwiches.

    All these questions remind me that I've also always wondered what foolscap was, and YP reminded me of that. I'm off to google now.

    When carboot sales kick in again, you'll be well and truly prepared.

  7. Hi Debby. I can't see why outside events like carboot sales, concerts, sport...? Can be allowed outside again.

    Butties are indeed sandwiches like:chip butties, 🍌 butties, crisp butties and vinegar butties for example.

    I have been prepared for twelve months Debby. Thanks.

  8. But...vinegar sandwiches??!!! How on earth do you make vinegar sandwiches. I am still confused.

  9. You just empty the vinegar bottle on the slices of bread Debby. Cress butties are another great recipe for my butties book. Bacon and beef butties are brilliant too.

  10. I miss car boots so much. Almost all of my needlework supplies have come from car boot,s

  11. I love carboot sales. Especially browsing and buying. You never know what you might find. You meet some great characters too.


A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...