Friday, 25 June 2021

A Bit Of Prog Rock On A Friday.

 I haven't featured any of my favourite Prog Rock bands for a while.  One band who I would really like to see is the Canadian Prog outfit Saga.  The lead singer comes from Wales.  Another great Prog  band from Canada is Rush.  Who I have been fortunate enough to see twice, once in Birmingham and once in Sheffield.

My friend overseas emailed me a few years ago and said they were touring Germany with one of my favourite English Prog bands Magnum who I have seen twice.  Circumstances wouldn't  allow at the time, unfortunately.

Germany really appreciate Prog and Heavy Rock and bands from all over the world tour Germany.  Oh how I wish I had seen Saga and Magnum.

Is there a favourite band you had a chance of seeing and you regret not getting tickets?  I think it's about the outdoor concerts started again, don't  you?

Here's  one of my favourite Saga tracks from the nineteen eighties:

Hope you have a great weekend.


  1. I could have seen The Beatles at the ABC cinema in Hull in 1963 but my parents would not let me get a ticket. Well I was only ten years old so they had a point but still...

    1. That would have been some band name drop in your local pub YP. I would love to have seen John Lennon. At least I managed to see Kansas.

    2. I could have seen the Beatles in Atlanta Ga USA but same problem. Parents!!!

    3. Hi Nancy. That would have been an amazing gig. Thanks for your comment.

  2. We had tickets to see ELO once but my youngest son was so upset that we were leaving him that we cancelled. Of course now I look back and think 'what on earth were we thinking of' but back then the kids meant everything. I might just add that he had gone on to do exactly what he wants with not much thought for his Mum and Dad now.
    We did see other bands though and Tom always blames Iand Dury and the Blockheads for his tinnitus as the music was so lound. lol
    We also saw Queen and were actually disappointed with the show.

  3. What a shame Briony that you didn't get to see ELO Briony. Ian Dury and the Blockheads would have been magical. I've seen some great bands like Thin Lizzy.

  4. Prog rock - that takes me back. It used to be quite the thing at school to paint your haversack with a copy of the latest prog rock band logo. Wishbone Ash were one of my favourites back then - were prog rock or Heavy Metal - bit of both perhaps?

  5. Newcastle City Hall. Legendary venue for Heavy bands. Rachel could give some great tales of there. Love your local heavy bands like Diamond Head, Geordie and Lindisfarne. Cerebral Rock I would call it Mark. Thanks for jogging my music memories.


Shamrock For Sale.

Shamrock for sale in Woodies diy and garden centre the other day.  It was about 6 Euros a pot.  We smiled at it but didn't purchase any....