Thursday, 23 December 2021

A Nativity Shop Window In Killarney.

 We spotted this Nativity scene in the shop window of an Italian Restaurant in Killarney last weekend.

I love it when shopkeepers go to the trouble of dressing their shop windows.  Every year Christmas seems to be more commercial and less emphasis on the Christian Saviour Jesus who was born in a stable in Bethlehem two thousand years ago.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends and a peaceful and very prosperous New Year.    I'm hoping to go on holiday in the sun next year and take in a Rock festival in Blighty next Summer.

Here's wishing and hoping!


  1. It's sad to see the old traditions gradually being eroded isn't it. Every year we had an enormous Christmas tree driven around the streets on a flatbed lorry with carols belting out. They were collecting for charity and my kids loved it. NO MORE.... We also had carol singers knocking on the door each evening NO MORE... Nativity Scenes are going out of fashion in case we offend another's religion. How sad all this is.

    1. It is sad to see Briony. I don't go to church these days much I do believe in our Christmas traditions Briony. Hope you have a very enjoyable Christmas.

  2. Merry Xmas Dave. Have a warm and happy time with your family and those whose company you enjoy. Eat, drink and be merry!!

    1. Same to you Linda. We all need a good drink and feed after this year.

  3. That's a great Nativity scene Dave. Happy Christmas and I too hope 2022 is better for all of us. I did a Nativity scene for my Christmas Card this year, I prefer the religious tradition of Christmas. Rachel

  4. Happy Christmas Dave! Thanks for being a good online mate this past year.

    1. Happy Christmas YP. We've had some good laughs and it's always good to read about the North country.

  5. I loved your Nativitity wooden figures that you featured on your blog recently Rachel. Happy Christmas and hope you can go travelling again in 2022.

    1. I love it too. I might put the picture back up again over Christmas, along with some of my other crib figures. Thanks Dave.

    2. They are beautifully made Rachel and perfect for the Christmas season.

  6. I love to see decorated shops at Christmas. As a student I worked in Boots the Chemists, and loved working at Christmas, when everyone seemed to be in a good mood, but then it wasn't as commercialised then. I have several connections to clergy, and have been to some wonderful candle-lit services over the years.

  7. The candle lit services sound pure joy. I love decorated shop windows and Nativity scene cribs in town centres. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Northsider. I'm glad I 'met' your family this year!

  9. To you and to yours Debby. I am glad I met your family this year. Merry Christmas.


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