Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Biscuits Not Suitable For Cavemen.

 Brr.  It's  that cold and windy today that  you wouldn't put a milk bottle outside.

Storm Barra is creating havoc today in Hibernia or the Emerald Isle.  It been forecast to cause  more havoc and most folk including myself are sat at home today.  

I stayed in bed most of the morning and thought of Ted Hughes ' Wind' poem, read some emails and read blogs.  

Then I Googled flooding in Bantry and Cork city and noticed there are lots of fishing boats sheltering and probably fishing in the bay which I can see from our kitchen window.  I'm glad I'm not on the ferry this morning.

The wife said she had brewed up and I sat down to sample a lovely cup of real coffee from the cafetier.   She makes a lovely brew unlike myself who always makes it too strong but it's an excellent home made laxative.😊

The wife produced a packet of Mcvitie's Bourbon biscuits.  I attempted to rip open the packet open and she piped up:

"Pass them me!"

Then she proceed to unwrap the bit on the packaging  that you easily tear.  Out popped the biscuits.  I don't think they are invented to be used by cavemen like myself.

There has just been a mighty wind gust and the wife shouted: " Bloody Hell."

I am waiting for the usual phone call:

"Have you still got electricity, we haven't?"


  1. I have been reading about the flooding over your way. We are cut off up here at the moment with all the major roads out of town blocked by fallen trees. Not that I want to out there today. A couple of oldies got blown over this morning in a strong gust. Hope they were not badly hurt. An exciting day today.

  2. Take care JayCee. People dream of a cottage next to the sea but it's not very nice when its gale season and you live next to the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Sounds like we got a bit of storm Barra too. Maybe it was Barra-opoulos by the time it struck here. Electricity is coming and going. First thing this morning was a Viber message to the kids down town. 'did the tiles stay on. Any drips'. One house had leaks through all the windows and under the doors . The rest of us were pretty sound. We get serious dripping depending on wind direction. Doesn't happen very often thank goodness.
    Managed to get hot coffee but no McVities. Just plain Papadopoulos bikkie's.😊

  4. Barraopoulos love it LA. It seems rough weather everywhere today.

  5. Glad I'm not the only one who cannot make a decent cup of tea. I've had lessons, honestly, but still can't do it.
    Tom on the other hand makes a lovely cup.
    My Dad when he was alive wouldn't drink my tea, ha ha

  6. Did your carer shout "Bloody hell!" because of the biscuits or Storm Barra? By the way Storm Johnson continues to wreak havoc right across England.

  7. Storm Barra YP. How could anyone voted for him? England sadly is Tory. Just thirteen years of Labour government in forty years.

    1. And more Tory since the SNP claimed Scottish seats that were always rock solid Labour. I don't think we will get back into government in my lifetime - despite Johnson's utter incompetence. Maybe the best we can hope for is a coalition with the Lib Dems.

    2. Yes life was so much easier when Labour could change the shires from red to blue. Proportional representation like we have in Ireland would be better than the system in England.

  8. I'm just about to have a piece of Mrs. D.'s date and oat cake. No wrapper. Enormous chunks. Absolutely suitable for cavemen.

  9. Sounds good Tasker. I often wonder how much we pay for food packaging.

  10. Perhaps you should skip the biscuits and go straight for the bourbon. Share with the lady of the house. It might make barra easier to bear.

  11. You know our secret how to sleep through a gale Debby. Just had a glass of Glenmorangie a nice Scottish malt I was given for my birthday the other day.

    1. What??? We missed your birthday??? Happy belated birthday!

    2. Yes it was at the weekend. Another year.

  12. I am just eating some chocolate digestives. The packet always looks a mess when I have opened it. A great way to ignore the high winds, eat some digestives and sit by the woodburner.

  13. Absolutely Rachel. I love chocolate digestives and Foxes Classic. I remember when my brother and me use to fight over Penguin biscuits and who would have the red or blue one. Thanks Rachel.

  14. talking of penguin biscuits, do you remember when the chocolate was so thick on the top and it was almost a chocolate bar in itself. and what about wagon wheels, they are half the size. O dear I'm showing my age. lol

  15. I do Briony. Wagon wheels are half their size these days. I think we could all blog about the very important subjects of biscuits and chocolate. I found some Club biscuits in Iceland the other week and thought I was in Heaven.😊

  16. Our electricity has been on and off, the coast road is closed, the back road is blocked by fallen trees and a crash... but wind abating a little now. Oh the joys of living in the west. At least the shed is still standing.

    1. Good to read your shed is ok. You never get use to the gales living next to the sea.

  17. I think you need to come back here and do an update! How are we to know you and the lady of the house haven't been swept out to sea, surfing the waves in your house!

  18. Well she went to Lidl and I went for a ferry crossing today. So yep we're fine Debby. Just a bit tired after the wind kept us awake a little.


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