Friday, 31 December 2021

Repurposed Railway Lines.

 A wonderful poignant and evocative video lamenting the demise of so many railways in Britain and also over here in Ireland.

I was reading today about Greenways Ireland on the old T'web and Tinternet.  These are paths and roads on old disused and derelict railway lines.   They find work for the unemployed and are to be used by cyclists and walkers and other none motorized  traffic.

I plan to walk some of them next year.  I love the hills where I live but I fancy travelling these old railway lines now minus their tracks.

I love walking and I think it's a great way of repurposing old railway lines.

I wonder what Mr Beeching would think of the repurposing of derelict railway lines like the above?

Happy New year to all my readers.


  1. Happy New Year Dave. All the best to you and the family
    May you have many happy hours walking the lines

  2. Happy New Year Linda and to your family and friends in Poros. I think the railway lines should be less strenuous than the West Cork hills where we look down over the bays.

  3. We call programs like that 'Rails to Trails'. They become hiking and biking trails, no motorized vehicles allowed. It is nice when you are trying to entertain small children. You can turn them loose and let them frolic and run, and you don't have to worry about traffic.

  4. I think they are also open to Runners Debby. I must admit I like walking in post industrial landscapes where nature encroaches but it it is a brilliant way of using the infrastructure for people who wish to use it for leisure. Maybe create a few jobs for people who need a job or a walk. Thanks!

    1. Yep. no speed limit on foot traffic.

    2. Looking at the world at three miles an hour.

  5. Beeching might have been a man of his time but i suspect that evdn in his time there were prople who knew he was wrong. Mr B read us some news the other day that plans are afoot on the big island to reopen/rebuild some of the routes he closed. Using the old railways for walking and cycling trails has been a fabulous idea and F regularly cycled one near Chichester (West Sussex) - direct, no traffic, safe and picturesque. One from Fareham to Gosport has been rebuilt as a bus express route (no cars). Only a small part remains not redeveloped because it is now a bat habitat. The route is a truly fabulous public transport asset in that community.

    1. What fabulous walks and community assets Tigger. I am all for public transport be it a bus or a train or a path or old railway line for everyone to use to keep fit and exercise, read about the local history and maybe even meet people and have a conversation or three.

  6. Marriotts Way out of Norwich is an old railtrack that has been repurposed as a cycle/walk/bridleway. It goes for 25 miles north of Norwich and is accessed just outside the city centre within walking distance in fact. It is very popular. Happy New Year Dave.

  7. Happy New Year Rachel. Marriott's Way sounds great. If I lived near Norwich I would definitely walk the full 25 miles. The best thing about these greenways is you can walk, cycle or run half a mile or less or even the full distance. Repurposing old infrastructure is a very good idea and makes an eyesore into a idyllic leisure facility for all. Thanks.

  8. That sounds like a great plan Dave. You could even factor in a couple of nights away in B&B's so you wouldn't have to drive home straight away. Happy New Year!

  9. It's the flattish terrain and local history that appeals to me YP. I think I would walk a green way in segments or day trips. It's great to see the sweat and toil that constructed the railways wasn't in vain and future generations can enjoy their work. Happy New Year.

  10. The great thing about walking the routes of old railway lines is that they are flat. Canal towpaths are good too.

  11. Happy New Year Dave. Beeching caused havoc around here, where many branch lines were closed, and rural communities left without transport. Public transport is still appalling where I live - and he caused a big part of the problem.

  12. Yes you're right Tasker. I use to like walking along canal towpaths when I lived in Blighty. Canals are another example of repurposing navigation routes for leisure and pleasure.

  13. Happy New Year the veg artist. Many railways closed here in Ireland because they were deemed economically unstable and many parts of the lines have been built on. Public transport is very poor or non existent in many rural areas.

  14. I just love those steam engines and I feel something is missing when a train runs without a (steam) engine.

  15. Yes they do evoke great memories and such respect for these mechanical like Leviathans. I like public transport and it helps people to get about and hopefully communicate with other passengers. Thanks Haddock.


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