Tuesday, 15 February 2022

A Briny Walk Next To The Sea.

 I have just finished reading the Salt Path on Kindle.  It's a walking book with great views, pathos and addresses major issues like homelessness.  

It certainly touched a few nerves with me and It's very well written and I have been to Durdle Door in Dorset on the South West Coast Walk.

The author's partner keeps getting mistook for a very famous poet from Yorkshire.  They wild camp and live very poorly and their encounters with the homeless in Plymouth was disturbing.  If you like walking like me.  It's well worth reading.

The one thing what really resonated with me was their freedom to get up and go where they wanted every day.  It was like being a bird.  A free bird at that:

Its ten minutes long and like the book I really enjoyed it!



  1. Like you, I also greatly enjoyed "The Salt Path". Turning the pages was no chore. I lapped it up and read it very quickly. Nice song to go with it. Thanks.

  2. Thanks YP. A great read, walk and song. Oh to have that freedom to walk every day!

  3. You can't beat a walk beside the sea for raising those endorphin levels. I am hoping I can get out walking again soon.

  4. The book is an awesome true story. She writes so well, so you're urging him on, living the walk. At the end I googled straight away to see what has happened to them now. Looking forward to reading her next book.

  5. The Salt Path is one of those books that I always intended to read. Thank you for reminding me of it.

    1. Its excellent and it highlights the homeless in the UK.

  6. You cant on a nice day JayCee. Its wet and wild here today.


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