Wednesday, 16 February 2022

A Witty Remark On A Rough Sea Journey Across The Bay.

 We caught the ferry to the island and it was the roughest crossing I have been on so far.

The ferry started rocking from side to side and waves were smashing against the boat.  I was finding it hard to concentrate and read a new book on the kindle app on my mobile phone.  I was even thinking of using my shopping bag containing my waterproofs for a sick bag in the event of an emergency and me being sick of course.

The boat started to jump in and out of the water and a mighty  wave crash sound hit the bottom of the boat.  I can't say I was enjoying my free cruise across the bay. Then I heard another wave crash and one wit piped up:

"Why don't they get the council to fill the potholes in?"

We all laughed and forgot about our nervy sea voyage for a moment.

A certain sea shanty tune began to play in my mental jukebox.  Remember this:


  1. All we who go to sea have wished for the potholes to be filled from time to time. Glad you survived it!(surprised you could read though)

  2. I am sure Tigger. You probably recite a certain Edward Lear poem about a owl and a pussycat? Nothing stops my twenty minutes read in the morning and at night on the ferry.

  3. Blistering barnacles! That sounds rough.

  4. Storm in a teacup JayCee. I asked a long standing member of the Alcatraz workforce if it was rough and they said: " Yes it was rough boy".

  5. Ha-ha! A great retort by your workmate but I am glad you made it over to Alcatraz again. What is it about Captain Pugwash that reminds me of Boris Johnson? Possibly his incompetence.

  6. He does remind you of your fearless leader YP.

  7. Loved Captain Pugwash and Ivor the Engine.
    Makes me very old to be able to remember it in black and white.
    Glad you survived the potholes

  8. Thanks Sue. Great tv series for kids of all ages.

  9. LOL! You know, a good jolt of humor can improve just about any situation, can't it?

  10. Can't it just Debby. A good laugh calms the old nerves for a while.


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