Friday, 20 January 2023

A Creep Feeder For The Young Pigs In The Field.

 We have two Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs and two Gloucester  Pots clearing some neglected/ overgrown pasture at the moment.

To give them a hearty feed number one son bought this plastic lamb feeder.  You open the top and fill it with pig ration and the piggy wigs stick their heads under the rubber flaps and their noses and mouths can reach the ration.  They love it!  I will never call Self Service again!

They love the creep feeder and the rubber flaps keep their backs dry in the rain and snow.

I wonder if they make one my height with a barrel of Newcastle Brown Ale in it?  It can be cabin fever at times in Northsider Towers at the moment.  Especially when wifey starts Hoovering or plugs in the hair dryer.

Perhaps I should build a man shed? My polytunnel office is a bit cold at the moment.

Anyone else keep pigs or thinking of getting some this year?


  1. Your pigs are living a 5 star lifestyle. Any room for me over there? I promise not to squeal.

  2. You are more than welcome to join their all inclusive self service restaurant and accommodation JayCee. A straw bed awaits and if you look up and can count 5 stars in the sky you will be living the dream.

  3. Is it legal to mentally torture innocent men? Surely, the use of vacuum cleaners and hair dryers when a man is in the house is downright sadistic and should be outlawed. And what's with washing machines that bleep? I would write to my MP about these issues but she is a woman!

  4. It's enough to make you drink. Or maybe get an allotment or even empty the dish washer and put things away in the cupboard of your choice. Maybe not.

  5. Everyone should have a shed, with or without pigs.

  6. You can never enough sheds or polytunnels Tom.

  7. You can never have enough sheds or polytunnels Tom.

  8. "Perhaps a polytunnel is a state of art?" Tracey Emin.

  9. WAAAAAAAIT A MINUTE THERE, MISTER! I see only 4 little piggies there, instead of the five that I am accustomed to seeing. Has one of them been sent off to market already???

    1. You are thinking about 5he pigs that currently reside in doors Debby. Next door to the donkeys and ponies and the poultry. The ones in the photo are working pigs. Thanks!

  10. You need a Man Cave, just claim one room in the house and declare it yours, fit it out comfortably and warmly and close the door when the hoover is running.

    1. Good thinking River. I need to live in a Hoover free zone


Three Fat German Shepherd Puppies.

 Remember in December 2023 when Heidi our German Shepherdess bitch had ten beautiful 🐶 puppies 🐶? Well we bred her again when she last cam...