Sunday, 22 January 2023

For Tommy And Gina.

 Continuing with my A to Zee or Zed of my favourite Rock bands and songs today I would like to mention Jon Bon Jovi.   

I was lucky enough to see Bon Jovi at Castle Donington Monsters of Rock Festival way back in 1987.  It's in Derbyshire and in the grounds of the motorcycle racing track and you can walk under the giant archway  tyre that straddles the tarmac track.

It was a gorgeous Summers day and the crowd was like a biblical multitude of 100000 punters.  Bon Jovi flew over the crowd in two white helicopters with red Bon Jovi letters emblazoned on the sides.  They waved to the world and wife and I don't think Wasp who were playing on the main stage liked being upstaged by them.

The title of my blog mentions Tommy and Gina who were characters in their hit song song 'Living On A Prayer".  Which they mention again in "It's My Life".  Which is probably my favourite song of theirs.  It also mentions Frank Sinatra and his classic:  "My Way" song.  The following song is about living your life to the full.  Enjoy!



  1. Neither my husband nor I were fans of this group, but going back to Jethro Tull, my husband listened to the song you put on your blog and he has rekindled his interest again by listening to their songs on the internet. He still has their LPs, but nothing to play them on. Just thought I'd let you know.

  2. It's good to know that my music choice rekindled your husband's interest in Jethro Tull Joan. You can still buy record players. We bought one online a few years ago. Thanks!

  3. Great rock anthems. When I was teaching in Thailand, a fifteen year old boy composed a school musical called "Living on a Prayer" based around ten Bon Jovi songs. It was brilliant.

  4. It sounds brilliant YP. Does every one wear a tie in Tie Land?

    1. Only male teachers. Why don't female teachers have to wear ties? "It's not fair!" as the odious Boris Johnson exclaimed when he was booted out of Downing Street. He was wearing a tie but if you looked closely you could see it was stained with toothpaste and Weetabix.

    2. Not forgetting the Champagne stains YP.

  5. Having grown up on country, I never got into Bon Jovi but I did enjoy your story!

  6. Glad you enjoyed my Rock festival story. Thanks for your comment.

  7. Good story. Not a Bon Jovi fan - probably too American for me. Have you watched In the Court of the Crimson King documentary yet?

  8. Thanks Traveller. They are a band that have grown on me over the years. Especially the ballad Rock stuff like "Dead Or Alive". I always find American bands very enjoyable and they aim to put a show on. I haven't seen the documentary yet but I will. Thanks. It's another American band next week beginning with K. Topeka is a big clue.

    1. John Denver had a song about Topeka Ohio, he "spent a week there one day"

  9. A clue! It’s the answer man. In addition to good music and decent beer I also like a good quiz. I am frequently impressed by Brits lack of knowledge of US geography - particularly if they have to find something on a map of the US.

    Carry on you Northsider

  10. You didn't need any White Clover for luck Traveller.

  11. I love that song! It's on all my playlists.


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