Sunday 15 January 2023

"Well I Don't Know. I Saw Some Grass Grow Through The Pavement The Other Day".

 I couldn't think of a Prog or Rock band beginning with I apart from the likes of Iron Butterfly and Iron Maiden who I once saw back in the 1980s.  

So today it's Ian Anderson and his band Jethro Tull.   I have seen them 5 times.  The last time was  last August at A New Day Festival at Mount Ephraim Gardens in Faversham near Canterbury in Kent

I took this last August with my mobile 📱 phone. Did I mention it was August?

My friend got talking to a guy with long hair who said he had seen Tull 257 times!  That makes my 5 times seeing them very insignificant doesn't it just?

Jethro Tull were named after the Berkshire fiddle seed drill inventor and Agriculturist.  They formed in Blackpool, La, La, Lancashire in 1967.   They started off playing  Jazz and Jazz Fusion and Folk Rock and eventually Prog Rock.

I remember when they had that much equipment they would commission a large ship to take their equipment across the pond.

Heavy Horses and Songs From The Woods are probably my favourite two albums of theirs.  

Here's Jack In The Green.


  1. Jethro Tull was my husband's favourte band at the time (late 1960s).

  2. They've been a great English Prog band Joan. A lot of Folk influenced songs and tunes.

  3. Jethro Tull made a very distinctive sound. Ian Anderson was like The Pied Piper leading us to his cavern in the mountainside.. I first saw them in the late sixties when I were nobbut a lad.

  4. A rocking Pied Piper YP. In a similar vein to Focus flautist and keyboardist Thijs Van Leer who I have met and talked to. It's great how they can combine Classical with Prog and Rock and Folk music.

  5. I liked Ian Anderson. He was one of the first who reminded us that rock and pop musicians could also be very clever and talented on classical instruments like the flute. I loved the folk sound on the records of Jethro Tull. They were way ahead of their time on Top of the Pops.

  6. Thanks Rachel. My Tull hero is Martin Barre who no longer plays in the band. A great band. I once saw Tull in concert and my friend shouted out my name for a laugh in between songs. I A said: "Yes who are you?" I went off I A a bit after that.. I'm joking. The man's a legend.

  7. What exactly is Prog Rock? What makes it "progressive" ? I've listened to some and all I hear is a lot of noise, many instruments at once.

  8. Good question River. Apparently it's a subgenre of rock music that emphasises ambitious compositions, experimentation, concept driven lyrics and musical virtuosity. Songs are often over ten minutes long. Thanks.

  9. Jethro Tull is one of my favorites too. Heavy Horses and Storm Watch are my favorite albums.

  10. Songs From The Woods is probably my favourite Tull album Debby. They have been a great Prog band.


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