Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Vegetable Seeds And Onion Sets Buying and A 'Nice' Slice Of Cake.


Homemade Victoria Sandwich.  We've got a glut of hens eggs and duck eggs at the moment.  Yesterday we had 14.  Twelve Hen and two Duck.  The  cake was 😋. 
Cheap vegetables seeds from you know where.  Just 75 Cents each.  You couldn't buy an ice cream for that.3 
Red onion sets and 'Snowball' white onion sets for 1.50 a net bag. 

I am going to get some compost this week in plastic modules/plastic trays. They have lovely white root socks when it comes to planting them outside.  They get a better start than just being pushed into cold and wet soil.

I'm making great progress on ye olde veg plot.  I walked/staggered into the kitchen yesterday after a few hours digging and felt like I just boxed twelve rounds with Tyson Fury.

"I think you need back pain tablets".  

I sat down had a cup of freshly brewed 'real' black coffee and was given a lovely slice of homemade cake.  

We are living the dream when the weather is nice!


  1. I have certainly never seen bags of onion sets or seed potatoes for sale in our local Lidl... or even Aldi. It is an outrage!

    1. I would get on to their onion set and vegetables seeds department and tell them your outrage.

    2. I might also tell them about my inrage.

    3. Yell. "I WANT MY ONIONS SETS AND SEED SPUDATOES!" It's the first day of Spring tomorrow according to Celtic customs like St Brigids Day. We are even having another St Brigids Day Bank Holiday Monday next week. The good people in Blighty have to wait until March for their Spring to commence.

    4. I took your advice but got frogmarched out of the building. The manager said I was a daft twat which wasn't very nice.

    5. Some Garden Centre. "I don't believe it!" Thanks for making me laugh YP.

  2. I've bought my onion sets, and will put them in modules one fine day, and start clearing the greenhouse. Our garden is still too wet to do anything to apart from a little clearing up. I've not really given much thought to what new to try this year.

    1. Hi the veg artist. I have made great progress on my veg plot this week. The dry weather helps so much. Today more weeding and forking over and dividing up areas with concrete slabs. I'm tired but very happy with my efforts.

  3. Victoria sandwich! Years and years since I've had some of that. Never mind seeds, compost and forget the digging

  4. Hi Linda. We don't know what to with all our fresh eggs at the moment. Wifey made a fruit soaked in brandy cake from a Lidl mix yesterday. It's rather scrumptious.

  5. Oh cake! Now that I am trying to lose a few lbs that is too tempting.

  6. I love cake JayCee. You can always walk it or work it off. Another dry and productive day on the veg plot down on the Irish Riviera.

  7. Mmmmmmm....caaaaaaaaake....I had to look up what a Victoria sandwich is and it sounds very nice. You are a lucky man despite your aching back!

    1. Cakey wake and a Cafetiere of black coffee (not instant) is just the tonic after a few hours hard graft digging Debby.

  8. I haven't made a Victoria Sandwich in years! I have a recipe somewhere I'm sure. But I don't have "homegrown" eggs, store bought will have to do.

  9. Any eggs will suffice River. It was delicious!


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