Friday, 13 January 2023

More Wombling In The Charity Shops.

 I am like a Jackdaw and have an eye for pretty things.  Especially at carboot sales and charity shops.

We stopped at a town in Kerry on the way home from the NCT  (MOT) Centre and had a browse around the charity shop.  I'm missing my carboot sales this time of year.  

I looked at the books all for sale for a Euros each.  I nearly bought a Bill Bryson book but I put it back down.  I have far too many half read books at home in West Cork.  

Any road or anyway.  I noticed this little vase with rabbits painted on it.  It says Shannon Bridge Pottery on the base.  I paid 50 Cents for it and I have added it to my ever growing collection of what some would call tat.  I think it's  beautiful.

It says Castleisland underneath the rabbits.  Funnily enough that was the town where we bought them.

Anyone found any charity shop treasure/tat lately?


  1. We have tried to avoid looking... Havant (where we live) is charity shop mecca. There were 13 the last time we counted. F never buys new glassware - all our wine glasses are mismatches from charity shops, as are many of our plates bowls and jugs. (She isn't into matching anything - regards it as boring and prefers a table set with stuff that each has its own story.)

    1. You are a rather posh cat Tigger living in Hampshire. You never know what you will find. People are always clearing out people's belongings. We have a very eclectic approach to our house collectibles.

    2. The rest of Hampshire might be posh, Havant has its own character - as 13 charity ships attest. Our high street has been boarded up empty shops for most of the 15 years since we bought our house, and charity shops almost 'pop-up' in some cases.

    3. 13 charity shops does sound a lot Tigger. I saw a lot of homeless people sleeping in shop doorways when I visited Kent in August. Britain seems to be a nation of 'haves' and 'have nots'. It's like the eighties all over again.

  2. That's a delightful rabbit vase. Well worth the price lol

  3. I like your rabbit vase and the fact that you bought it in Castleisland makes it a bit more special. I haven't bought anything from a charity shop in a while but I often have a look and over the years I have spotted some great bargains including a brand new leather jacket that would have surely cost over £200 from a shop. I got it for £30 and it fits like a glove.

    1. You can get leather jackets for free in the vegetable gardens and lawns YP. Seriously your leather jacket sounds a great buy.

    2. I wondered what the hell you were talking about and then the penny dropped! By the way I look really cool in my leather jacket. When I walk down the street in it, I notice women swooning.

    3. Chafe grubs are very similar. I think they turn into Daddy Long Legs? A Greenkeepers sworn enemy. They like to chew grass roots especially on golf greens. All you need now is a Stetson and you will be the coolest man in town. Sounds like your leather jacket bargain buy would make a great blog subject.

    4. Chafer grubs even. They are related to Crane Fly's. I am wrong yet again.

  4. I would also have bought the rabbit vase. Tat is in the eye of the beholder (smile). Love charity shops, but haven't been in one for a long time, sadly. I'm always keen to see what you find.

  5. Hi Joan. Charity shop make good treasure hunting ground during the winter months when there are little carboot sales about at the moment. Glad you like the vase.

  6. I do a lot of shopping in charity shops these days. Some people donate really good, hardly worn clothing (aside from all the stuff that goes into the rags bin) and homeware too. I think I blogged about my armchair and electric stove recently. Bargains!

  7. Hi JayCee. I do remember your recent charity finds. We have bought a secondhand three piec suite, secondhand kitchen and lots of carboot sales and charity shop finds in the last twelve months. Thanks.

  8. My recent charity shop purchase was a painting on canvas that I didn't like and I think was a mass produced print on canvas. It cost £4. Such stretched canvas on a frame as this one would have cost me around £25 to £35. I painted over it with emulsion and used it for my own work.

  9. I haven't been in a charity shop for over a year. My local one has new management and is too "upmarket" now, way above my budget.

    1. You do get some very expensive charity shops River. Especially in posh towns. You also get the opposite extreme and they are tatty and never replace their old stock, books in particular.

  10. Oh, I've been trying hard to limit myself to books which I read and then immediately return. I am 'hoeing out' Sadly, once I'm hoed out, well, I'll be right back to treasure hunting. Someone was giving away a rug on facebook. We went and got it because it was so pretty. Turned out to be a Persian silk rug, the real deal, Someone told us it was worth $7000, but I am not quite sure whether to believe it or not.

    1. Thanks Debby. Sounds like you should get that rug valued.

    2. It was a casual appraisal, but there are no professionals locally. I thought that we'd have to roll the huge thing up and take it someplace, but it turns out that for a couple hundred dollars, there is a way to do it via the mail. Part of the reason that we needed a good camera.

    3. A carpet/rug dealer will tell you how mich it's worth Debby for free.

  11. You are very resourceful Rachel.


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