Friday, 17 January 2025

Not An Happy Bunny!

 Someone or some people close to me bought me a brand new laptop computer a couple of years ago.

I very rarely used it because I am always using my phone or my tablet to read and write on.  Just after Christmas I noticed that both of my electronic devices needed to be charged.  So I pressed the switch on the laptop and nothing happened.  I notice there was no led light flashing either.  So I plugged in the cable and plug and attempted to charge my laptop.  An hour later and it was still dead.

I unplugged the laptop and noticed a stain and smelled it.  My suspicions were right.  CAT PEE!

One of our many cats had decided to wee on my laptop.  Perhaps it didn't  like my blog posts? Number 2 son took it to a computer repair shop and they phoned us today to tell us it's dead!  They said they didn't want anything for looking at it.

Fortunately I haven't lost my new book I'm writing and another one I have been redrafting.  They  say don't  work with animals and children don't they? I would say don't try to write when you have cats kipping on your laptop.

See you tomorrow.


  1. How irritating, we never had a cat that naughty and have 🤞🤞our lovely Lilly will be the same.

  2. Yes it's my own fault Marlene. We have been letting them stay in when it's really cold and wet. I left it on top of a shelf and the cat/s must have liked sleeping on it? The dogs and cats are always damaging or breaking something. I think the cats will have to sleep in the straw at night.

  3. Ouee, at least the repair man didn't refuse to look at it. I imagine there was a slight smell. Thank goodness you didn't lose anything you'd written. That would have been a tragedy. I'm always very wary about writing on our old computer. I try and save stuff I've written somewhere on Google where I can find it whatever the computer.

  4. It must have happened a while ago because the stain was dry Linda. I once lost a lot of written work when an old computer died on me and the computer repair shop couldn't fix it. I suppose we should make hard copies or email our writing to ourselves?

  5. Oh yuk.
    I once spilled coffee on my work laptop and had to call the IT dept to fix it. I couldn't pretend it wasn't my fault as the strong coffee smell gave me away!

  6. Oh dear. That gives a new meaning to: "Wake up and smell the coffee." Thanks JayCee.

  7. Open the case, take out the hard disk, buy the right cable if you don't have one (it has USB on one end and multiple connections on the other for the disk), plug in to working computer, and you should be able to see and copy what is on the disk just as if it was a hard drive. This assumes the disk is not damaged. It should be OK.

  8. Thanks for the technical advice Tasker.

  9. I thought you were going to say it was the battery that had simply died after two years and refused to take any more charge. I think this happens. I didn't know a liquid from a cat would do this to your laptop. Once it had dried out it should be ok. I have had a few cat problems and wires chewed through by a cat that loved to do that. With my university work and poems I save as much as possible in more than one place and print paper copies of essays as I go to be on the safe side.

  10. The computer repair shop man said the motherboard was frazzled Rachel. Hard copies are definitely worth printing off and keeping. I see Ryanair are doing away with paper boarding passes. I always like to have printout in case my phone dies or I lose on one of my camping trips to Blighty.

  11. Like your mum used to say, "You should look after your things our David!" and she was right. No one should leave their technological aids where animals can wee-wee and poo-poo on them. Let this be a lesson to you!

  12. The "Paw son on business from Paw lock" tried to spoil my West Cork Xanadu YP. Don't give sanctuary to poor moggies. Let them work and catch the mice and rats. Weren't I a silly billy?

  13. Yikes! Fortunately my two cats are fairly well behaved. I did have a pet rat that miss-fired against the side of his cage once, and managed to pee all across my maternity records, which I'd left close by. That took some explaining to the midwife. And yes, they did replace them :)

  14. Only two cats Jules? I think we have 7? You write a blog post about what your pet rat thought about your maternity records. It's a bit like someone saying to their teacher: "The dog 🐕 ate my homework".

  15. I missed out you should write a blog post.. Sorry Jules.

    1. It's a distant memory now, Dave. 12 years ago!

  16. Oh my gosh. It wasn't long ago that your dog ate an arm off your new couch. Now a cat has peed in your laptop. I'd be a bit worried about what the bunnies and the pigs are planning. You seem to have irritated the animal kingdom.

  17. I think I am Boxer and live at Animal Farm Debby. The creatures seem to be in charge.

  18. Cats - bless them! Ours don't pee in 'wrong' places, apart from Jellicoe when he had cystitis and tried peeing in the coal scuttle, but I've heard of similar mishaps to yours.

  19. It doesn't help when you have seven of them in with you sheltering from the cold and rain like today Jabblog.


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 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...