Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Earthing Up The Spuds And A New Profile Photo.

The missus took the photograph of the old gardener  (me) earthing up the spudatoes rows the other day.  I had read that Jack Frost was coming to town and painting everything with ice.  Of course the  television weather forecasters in Dublin and London got it wrong.  Do they just look out of their windows and decide that's the weather for everywhere?

I like the photo though and have put it on my blog profile.  What are you doing in the veg plot and garden?  I am supposed to be weeding all week.  

I went into town today and weeded and planted up at the bed and breakfast where I work for a few hours in the Summer time.  

A friendly Robin perched on the rim of the wheelbarrow and watched me work.  Then it inspected the soil for any grubs or worms.  I have often wondered if gardeners are reincarnated in to Robins?  They really are a wonderful creature!


  1. It is a great photo. What a fantastic outlook from your vegetable plot. It is a lovely spot you live at.

  2. Thanks Rachel. It is a lovely view on a nice day. Not so nice when its blowing a gale. We watched the Amsterdam cruise liner sail out of the bay this evening. What a lady she is. Will post a photo of her. Thanks!

  3. A lovely view indeed. And nice to see the wheelbarrow waiting to go into action. So what dud I do in the garden today? I unclogged and oiled the old lawnmower which is a Gardena (ain't that appropriate) and gave it its first outing of the year. Pushed it to the back gate and back a couple of times to make path through the grass the missus can walk through without getting her shoes wet! We're on a steep slope so it needs a bit of a shove now and then.

    1. Hi Gwil. The wheelbarrow was invented long ago by the Chinese. Such a clever invention to carry weight on one wheel. I like grass paths. Thanks.

  4. Your soil looks as it it would grow anything!

    1. It was a little field that the cows use to graze Joanne. The veg plot gets lots of compost added to it. You can't beat home made compost, leaves, seaweed or farm yard manure. Thanks.

  5. What a fabulous place to work. A view to gaze at while easing a weary back after digging potatoes.
    The soil looks rich. Do love the bathtubs.

    1. Yes its a nice view when its not raining and you can see the bay. I bought the plastic baths for next to nothing. We used them foor raised beds and filled them with soil. Now they are used for somewhere to keep my newly potted cuttings that have rooted after being in the cold frame. Thanks LA.

  6. I too have a robin like yours. They are wonderful birds. I haven't got round to actually feeding it, finger to beak, but I'm working on it. As for the weather, our forecasters usually gets it right.... if only the rain would go away and give the guy a break!

  7. Good to read you have a robin visitor Valerie. They really are cheeky chaps. They're partial to a bit of bacon rind. They get the rain right but not always the frost. Its really cold here. You wouldn't believe its May.


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More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...