Wednesday, 29 May 2019

More Car Boot Sale Treasure With A Vegetable Theme.

I purchased these two plates/serving dishes at the car boot sale on Sunday.  One is very large and the other is just average,  I bought them because I like them and they have vegetable designs.

The Aubergine.

The Globe Artichoke or maybe a Cardoon?

Don't know where they will live and they only cost 8 Euros for the pair.  Can you walk past a stall or table if there is something you like and its cheap?  Don't think it will be long when they feature me in one of those hoarding television programmes.  At least I don't collect newspapers in carrier bags!  Not yet anyway.  

More car boot treasure soon!


  1. Lovely little plates. Will you use them?
    I don't collect 'treasures' but other half does. Hope your other half enjoys your 'treasures' too!

  2. Thanks LA. I think I will keep them for their design rather than using them for food. They are very deep so they would be useful for bits and bobs. At the moment they are on the table that the computer resides on. My wife collects too. Thanks.

  3. I like the plates. I would use them. I don't collect. I try to keep things in the house to a minimum.

  4. I am pleased you like the plates Rachel. You have a minimalist approach and I am a Womble or collector. A nervous nights football television viewing for you tonight. Could be Mr Hazards last match in a blue shirt? Hope United sign Mr Bale.

  5. I think they are lovely. I wonder why eggplants are called aubergines?

  6. I am glad you like the plates Joanne. I looked up your egg plant/aubergine question. Apparently aubergine is a French word. The egg plants in the 1700s were very small and looked like hens eggs. They originate from India and are cousins of the tomato and potato (solanum) family. Which is also a member of the nightshade family. A lot of people thought the three vegetables to be poisonous. Yet again we find our favourite vegetables originate from thousands of miles away. Thanks.

  7. The plates are FAB! Oooh I wish I had them. I used to be a plate collector but ran out of suitable space when we moved house. Some folk use nice plates instead of pictures. I would be afraid they might fall and break.

  8. I am pleased you like the plates Valerie. I am so keen on the green but I like the vegetables. We also collect plates and pictures. I broke one of my Spitfire plates. Its for sale on Ebay and I will replace it some time. Thanks.

  9. Mrs G is the collector round here. What she says goes. Who am I to argue, a mere mortal?

    The new bundeskanzler in Austria is Frau Bierlein (Mrs Small Beer). Herr Kurz (Mr Short) had time called only a week ago following the incident of his deputy and the fake oligarch niece at the vodka party. You couldn't make it up, Dave.

  10. You're right Gwil. Its not worth arguing. My office is my polytunnel.

    Sounds like there is more fun and games in Austrian politics than the hot air in Britain.


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Filling Up The Repurposed Raised Bed And Weeding.

 A busy day on the smallholding veg plot: I filled up the repurposed oil tank this morning with fym and home-made compost and topsoil. Then ...