Thursday, 23 May 2019

Rooted Plant Cuttings On The Garden Table.

I have an hobby nay obsession to propagate garden plants by division and by taking cuttings.  To misquote Blue Peter:

"Here's some we (Mother nature and me) made earlier."

I went through my cuttings the other day which are hiding from the glaring sun under an hedge.  They had to go under the hedge because my cold frames are full and the polytunnel thinks its Portugal or  Spain:"Scorchio"

I found sixteen cuttings had took.  These are Fuchsia and Soapwort.  The Fuchsia is a lovely whitey salmon pink flower and not the one you see in West Cork hedgerows or in Cornwall.  Soapwort was used years ago for washing.  You can even make your own shampoo with it!

They are dead easy to take.  Just get your scissors and cut them off the parent plant or bush.  I can dip them in hormone rooting powder or in my home made rooting liquid (see Salicyclic acid willow blog post) or not even bother with any.  I didn't use any and just placed them in compost in trays and pots and kept them regular watered.

A few weeks later and they are potted up and ready to enjoy the sunshine and rain.  Gardening doesn't need to cost a lot of money if you make your own plants.  If you lived near me we could swap perennials and cuttings?

Anybody else had any success with cuttings lately?  Go on give it a go.  You will be amazed!


  1. All of my cuttings are going to poop. .. I have chopped up and divided some crocosmia and some conflowers. They are a little wilty today as it is warm again here. (everyone said, oh no dont move to Scotland the weather is cold...) it has been warmer here than Devon and we havent had much rain which is a problem as the soil here is like sand. What can I add to the soil to make it a bit more bulky? Wood chips or something... I must look it all up

    1. Hi Sol. Well rotted farm yard manure or homemade compost will help. Sandy soil is great for root crops like carrots. Its showery here today so I won't know have to water tonight. Thanks.

  2. Very satisfying when cuttings take root.

  3. Hi Philip. It is very satisfying and I always smile when I see my cuttings are now plants with roots. Thanks.

  4. My gardening is put off this year, pending moving. Drat.

  5. Hi Joanne. You can always visit gardens and you can plan how the plants will look at your new home. Its amazing what you can grow in pots and planters too. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Never heard of Soapwort. Must look it up.
    My anything goes patch in front of the kitchen is thriving. Don't know what all the plants are but they are certainly healthy. It all came about when I bought a packet of mixed seed and decided to take a chance.

  7. Hi Valerie. Soapwort was used long a go for washing. There are so many cultivated and wild flowers that have many medicinal and practical uses. Nettles are one of my favourites. I use it for a garden tea. Also an herbal tea. Nettles can be made into rope and even army uniforms. Please post a picture of your flower patch on your blog. I would love to see it. Thanks.


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