Saturday, 25 May 2019

Planting And Watering In The Leeks.

We planted the leeks we grew from seed the other day.  First I got my dibber (old cut down shovel handle) and made holes.  Then I placed or dropped the leeks into their new home or holes.  Then I got my watering can and watered the soil over the roots and filled the holes with water,   
Watering in my leeks.  The plant pots are even taking over this part of the veg plot.  Anybody want some cheap perennials?

Leeks originate from far off places like Egypt and the Mediterranean.  The Romans are said to have brought them to Britain.  There aren't many vegetables that don't come from far away.  So we eat a Continental diet without knowing it.  

I watched Monty talking to a twelve times Chelsea gold prize winning veg grower from Anglesey last night.  They use builders plastic membrane to blanch the sock of their leeks.  I just plant them like the above and the soil blanches their sock for me.  I believe you can even get a self blanching leek?  

We lifted some more spuds this week.  You can't beat the freshness of homegrown food picked the same day. Yes it may be Organic.  But is it fresh or was it flown in from Israel?.  Why do they even wrap Organic vegetables in plastic?  Perhaps I should grow a lot more vegetables again?  I just love growing perennials.  

Could you imagine if you could go to a restaurant and they ask you what vegetables you would like to eat?  Then they take you outside to the restaurant veg plot and you say:
"I want those leeks".

Then they dig them up and cook them while you have a glass of wine or a pint of real ale?  Anybody know if such a restaurant exists?


  1. Love the idea of choosing your leeks and wining while they cook. We have just pulled the last of our leeks. They are a winter vegetables here. It's the first time we grew them and they did well.
    Love leeks

  2. Hi LA. Yes it would be like choosing a live fish or lobster from a tank. You should be able to buy freshly dug vegetables. Not everyone one can grow their own. We usually eat them from late September onwards. You can chop them up into two iches and put butter on them and then put in the microwave for two minutes instead of boiling or steaming them. Do yo drop them in the holes when you plant them like we do? Thanks.

    1. Yes I have chosen live fish from a pool, served 30 minutes later. I've seen live lobster and eels as well but never tried them.

    2. Yes Cumbrian thats what I have seen on television and in restaurants. You can't beat something fresh. Especially vegetables. Thanks.

  3. We have a veg that grows wild here, ramps. Very like leeks, a little thinner. Also a bit stronger. We harvest them in April.

  4. I have never heard of Ramps Joanne. I have just Googled them. We have Ransoms or wild garlic in our garden. Its also a member of the Allium family. Some people eat it but we just have for its flowers in Spring. We grow onions in the Summer and Japanese onions are planted in September. We are eating them now. Oh and we grow leeks also. The Alliums are wonderful veg and great flowers in the herbaceous borders. Thanks.

  5. Why did I never think to grow veggies? I could have used the plot near the kitchen but instead I sowed unknown seeds which are now flowering well. If only I knew what they were!!

    1. Hi Valerie. Post a picture on your blog of the flowers and we can see if we know what they are. Why don't you get your gardener to make you a small veg plot or herb garden? Its amazing what can be grown in plant pots. Thanks.

  6. I'm a bit behind with the leeks so not ready to plant out yet. When I do it will be exactly as you have described. Such a reliable crop to see us through the winter.

  7. Yes leeks are a reliable crop that gets you through winter Philip. I like them when the frost has visited and makes them taste better. Thanks.

  8. we sometimes use "leek" instead of onions...
    thank you for posting about how to grow leek...

  9. Thanks for your comment Tanza. Leeks are a good vegetable to grow and are especially useful in the hunger gap during winter when other crops aren't growing.

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