Friday, 19 March 2021

A Bramble Put Down Roots In One of My Perennials Plant Pots.

 I wouldn't say my life is boring but.....?   I was rescuing my plant nursery from the encroaching grass and brambles yesterday.   I noticed a bramble invading one of my plants plant pots:

The bramble had only decided to put down roots in one of my Sedums plant pots.  So it could spread and smother and spread and smother again. Making it look like Sleeping Beauty's gardens.  Think they were overgrown for an hundred years?

I showed my wife the photo of the rooted bramble in the plant pot and she said:

"They're swines aren't they?"

It's been a wet winter I neglected the plants because of the weather.   So one of my chores is rescuing the perennials and repotting and topping up with compost.   Perhaps I should change my Northsider nickname to 'interesting '?  Well it's worked ok for the snooker player Steve Davis!

One day soon please God.  Life will return to normal and I will get up one bright and sunny morn and sell my plants.  


  1. Naughty bramble! Only one way to deal with invaders. Off with their heads!!

  2. Exactly Jaycee. I know cattle like their leaves. Wonder if I can make bramble stew or bramble tea? I have been clearing brambles and fuschia bushes today. I took off my jumper because it was too hot and the brambles have left my arms with someclove scratches and cuts and no doubt scars to match the rest of them.

  3. Some clove scratches? Some lovely scratches even.

  4. Thanks for your suggestion JayCee. Brambles never infect. They just leave me with weeding and clearing medals.😊

  5. It will come one day soon I', sure - 'this too will pass', as they say - and brighter days will come too.

    1. I hope you're right The bike shed. At least the weather's been fantastic this week and there are daisies growing in my lawn. Thanks.

  6. Wasn't "Steve Interesting Davies" an invention of Spitting Image?

  7. You could well be right Tasker. Steve might not have had an amazing personality but he certainly shone on the snooker player. Alex Higgins and Jimmy White were my snooker heroes. Now it's Ronnie Rocket. Thanks.

  8. Shone on the snooker table.😊 I'm having a bad day.🤔

  9. Call that a bramble? We regularly find 15ft giants growing through out shrubberies.

  10. Ha,ha😊. I think John Wyndham must have been inspired to write: Day of the Triffids after seeing some of thos Leviathan brambles.

  11. You can't be Steve Davis because he is 63 and you are 57. Mind you, rumour has it that you are brilliant at potting the brown.

    Did you know that there are at least seventy different species of bramble in The British Isles?

  12. I didn't know there are all those different species of bramble YP. They offer a good food source for mammals like badgers and rats and insects like caterpillars.


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