Wednesday, 14 July 2021

A Profusion Of Flowers In Killarney.

 We were in Killarney at the weekend and I noticed this magnificent floral display:

Fairplay to the people who planted the planters and regularly feed, dead head and water the plants.  They are a credit to you all!

The bees like them too.  I think plants soften the street scape.  I think I have just invented a new word: streetscape.  Well it's  new to my vocabulary any way.


  1. Folk often use the term "urban landscape". "Street scene" is also quite common but I like your new word "streetscape". It really does the trick... I think I might invent a new word. Let's see... a "jaycee" = a nice lady who lives on an island.

  2. Thanks for that YP. We've both invented two words today: "JayCee admired the Manx flowers growing in the "streetscape".

    1. Northsider and Pudding Ltd were commissioned to create a mural of a jaycee to improve the streetscape. She was depicted wearing a polka dot bikini. Then they went down to "The Red Lion" to quaff copious pints of Foaming English bitter and chomp on Melton Mowbray pork pies with pickled onions.

  3. I think you have just waxed lyrically about English Heaven. Who needs Saatchi and Saatchi? 😃

  4. Wow! That is quite an impressive pot of petunias there!

    1. Thanks Debby. The Petunias trumpet like flowers put on an amazing display.

  5. Hey, you two! Don't you know that I own the patent for the exclusive use of the word jaycee. You now both owe me £100,000 for its unauthorised use.
    Lovely flowers there in that streetscape, northsider

    1. Contact my lawyers Ripemoff and Fleeceham Ltd.

  6. I will write you a cheque and send it to JayCee Towers IOM. Aren't the flowers magnificent?

  7. Didn't they represent those property renovators Bodge it and Scarper?😊


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...