Tuesday, 27 July 2021

What's The Story Nature's Morning Glory?

 I saw this pink and white Convolvolus or Bindweed growing through a Laurel hedge the other day.  I was knocked out with it's  beauty and trumpet shaped flowers.

I remember white coloured Bindweed flowers when I lived in Blighty.  But I can't remember seeing pink and white ones.

Apparently they can be toxic to livestock if they graze them.

Incredibly they are related to the cultivated garden flower Ipomea or Morning Glory.

Perhaps the Gallagher brothers were inspired by this flower when they visited their ancestral home in Ireland.  The Bindweed flowers certainly inspired me.  Drop dead gorgeous wild flowers!


  1. Convolvulus is indeed an attractive plant when it flowers but its manner of winding itself round other plants reminds me of The Boston Strangler. I cannot remember seeing wild pink convolvulus in Merrie Olde Englande either.

  2. Bindweed is an appropriate name for Convolvulus YP. It's easy to grab and weed out. I find the pink and white one in the picture very attractive. I am sure the bees and butterflies like it.

    I see very little Rosebay Willowherb or "firewood" which you often see growing at the side of railway lines and waste land in Blighty. Even nettles are a good food source for moths. Thanks!

  3. ... "fireweed".. Silly autocorrect!

  4. Never seen pink one's but love the wild white one's.
    we grew morning glory out on our allotment but they weren't as prolific as the wild one's.

  5. Hi Briony. I certainly see wildflowers or weeds in a different light. Convolvulus are stunningly beautiful. Rather like roses are.

  6. I just like pretty flowers...weeds or otherwise!

  7. Yep. Totally agree JayCee. 🌞 Sunny again here.

  8. I love morning glories. My sister hates them. Mine are called Heavenly Blue morning glories.

    1. They sound Heavenly Debby. Their wild cousins are spectacular too.

  9. I'm sure I've seen those growing around here. In spring. They are a wonderful show of colour. Pink is the colour here, if I remember rightly

    1. Hi LA. I had only seen white Convolvolus until I moved to Ireland. They put on a spectacular show.

  10. We had beautiful deep purple flowers on ours in France. It was stunning!

  11. Hi Vera. Gosh! They sound amazing. Thanks for telling us about them.


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