Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Another Successful Rooted Cutting.

 The wife bought a Coleus or ' Painted Nettle " plant from the German garden centre and beer providers the other week.  

So when she wasn't  looking I made a few cutting and placed them in glasses of water and hoped they would strike roots.  They did of course so I potted two of them up and we have now started a Coleus collection:

They are a bit mard and don't like frost but they can also be used for an annual in the garden borders or hanging baskets..?

I think I might be giving some house plants presents to people I know for Christmas!


  1. I had to look up the word mard. It's a great description!
    We don't have any Coleus, although I do have a very fine Oxalis that I am trying hard not to kill.

  2. Thanks JayCee. It's a northern English word. I still nowt and summat. It's amazing rooting cuttings in glasses of water. You can have a new plant growing in a plant filled with compost in three weeks. If you want a really easy plant that can put with drought and neglect. Get yourself a Yucca plant.

  3. "David! DAVID! Come here you blighter! Have you been taking cuttings from the new coleus plant I bought at the German grocery shop?"
    "Yes. Yes I have my sweet!"
    "Don't 'my sweet' me! You can forget the pork chops tonight. The dog's having yours!"

  4. "Taking house plants cuttings is verboten!"😊

  5. Lucky we're such a tight lipped bunch. Nobody here will rat you out. I have always used rooting compound to start my new plants. My sister does way more propagation than I do. She never uses rotting compound. She just dips the base of the plant in honey.

  6. That's right Debby. You can buy organic rooting powder. I posted a blog on entitled In praise of Salycyclic acid. It's when I used willow cuttings dipped in a jar of water to use for a rooting compound. I root most cuttings in a glass of water or just placing them in pots of compost,


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