Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Another Successful Rooted Cutting.

 The wife bought a Coleus or ' Painted Nettle " plant from the German garden centre and beer providers the other week.  

So when she wasn't  looking I made a few cutting and placed them in glasses of water and hoped they would strike roots.  They did of course so I potted two of them up and we have now started a Coleus collection:

They are a bit mard and don't like frost but they can also be used for an annual in the garden borders or hanging baskets..?

I think I might be giving some house plants presents to people I know for Christmas!


  1. I had to look up the word mard. It's a great description!
    We don't have any Coleus, although I do have a very fine Oxalis that I am trying hard not to kill.

  2. Thanks JayCee. It's a northern English word. I still nowt and summat. It's amazing rooting cuttings in glasses of water. You can have a new plant growing in a plant filled with compost in three weeks. If you want a really easy plant that can put with drought and neglect. Get yourself a Yucca plant.

  3. "David! DAVID! Come here you blighter! Have you been taking cuttings from the new coleus plant I bought at the German grocery shop?"
    "Yes. Yes I have my sweet!"
    "Don't 'my sweet' me! You can forget the pork chops tonight. The dog's having yours!"

  4. "Taking house plants cuttings is verboten!"😊

  5. Lucky we're such a tight lipped bunch. Nobody here will rat you out. I have always used rooting compound to start my new plants. My sister does way more propagation than I do. She never uses rotting compound. She just dips the base of the plant in honey.

  6. That's right Debby. You can buy organic rooting powder. I posted a blog on entitled In praise of Salycyclic acid. It's when I used willow cuttings dipped in a jar of water to use for a rooting compound. I root most cuttings in a glass of water or just placing them in pots of compost,


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...