Sunday, 11 July 2021

Looking For Treasure At The Car Boot Sale.

We went carbooting on Saturday morning.  It's  like fishing somedays you come away with a big catch and other times you catch nothing.

I always walk at least three times past the make shift stalls.  You always miss something or your eyes attract you to something else.  Here's what we bought:

I bought this rural scene for five Euros.  I haven't decided where I'm going to hang it yet so I placed it on the floor leaning against a bookcase.

J bought another Cottage teapot to go with her collection for 3 Euros.  It's modern and one she hasn't got.

Have you been to any good carboot sales lately?


  1. Two great finds Dave! Carboot sales are like antique or junk shops - you never know what you might find. In contrast all other shops are pretty predictable aren't they?

  2. Thanks YP. I use to love rooting round old junk shops. You're right you never know what you might find. High street shops are very bland and predictable and junk shops and carboot sales are very eclectic. I walk around them at least three times because I always miss something.

  3. A treasure trove, Dave. Bargain prices too!

  4. Indeed JayCee. A man said "nice painting" and I said " you never stop collecting" and he agreed. I love carboot sales.

  5. I love the process of finding things that I love, things which I imagine come from a previous life of being loved things.

  6. Very true Debby. I prefer an eclectic approach to collecting things. I often wonder what will happen to our 'treasure' when we are no longer around?

    1. The same thing that will happen to ours, I imagine. The kids will roll their eyes and say, "Why do you think they kept THIS??" and they will put it up for sale, and no one will realize that it was something you bought at 20 when you lived in -----, and that it reminded you of something touching. Our stuff is only valuable to us. It's the circle of life. How do you think you found that stuff in a boot sale to begin with? Our stuff matters to us alone.

      I was at an estate sale one day, and I was walking through the house when I overheard another woman muse, "I don't get it. Who walks out of a house and leaves all their stuff?" I said, "Well, they died." The woman looked so horror stricken it made me laugh to think that it had not occurred to her.

    2. Very thoughtful Debby. I collect things because I like them. I have boxes of some of my late mothers belongings. Just Coronation cups and the like. Some are old and some less than twenty years old. I keep hold of them and I expect I always will.

  7. Some great bargains. Good to hear you can enjoy these boot sales again

  8. Hi Linda, There aren't many carbootsales in Ireland at the moment. We went to one in county Limerick on Saturday. Things are returning back to normal and hopefully we'll get to see some live music again soon. Thanks.

  9. Love a car boot - used to give my kids a few quid each and let them have whatever they could find and carry - oh, the crap they brought home - but also the fun they had!

  10. Yes Mark. I remember our two clinging on to some large pieces of plastic or even toys and having hissy fits and we had to buy them and struggle to get them in the car. I've had some great finds at car boot sales. I much prefer buying at them than selling.

  11. Nice painting. Still reading, just not able to comment without firing up iPad. Veg artist.

  12. You would know you are the artist. Thanks for reading. Supposed to be a very good forecast for this week veg artist.


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