Sunday 28 August 2022

A Visit To The South Pole. The Inn That Is!

 We stayed at a campsite across the road from Inch Beach for a few days  before we flew to Birmingham from Cork.

The next morning after arriving at Inch Beach we got back on the Kerry Camino and Dingle Way and walked over the hill four miles to Anascaul.  It was a glorious day and such a relief not to be carrying heavy rucksacks and camping equipment.

We passed a few hikers and a man and a woman were carrying shopping bags and rucksacks like we had the previous days.

We walked into a Grocers to see if they had a delicatessen but it was very limited so we walked down the street to the South Pole Inn.  The last time I had posted a picture of the pub it was closed.

Fortunately on this visit it was open.  It's the former home of Antarctic explorer Tom Crean.  An incredibly brave man and part of Shackletons Antartic exploration team. 

We ordered two pints of Tom Crean IPA which is brewed in Kenmare by his Grandaughter I do believe .

Then we walked back over the hill and back to Inch.  I met a lady hiker carrying a rucksack.  I said my usual "hello" and told her that she would be able to get a refreshing pint in a couple of miles.  The lady smiled and her eyes lit up.

It had been a nice 8 miles stroll without out burdensome rucksacks.


  1. Better than 8 miles in the snow and ice with no prospect of a pub for 3000 miles...

  2. It would be good to hire a school leaver or an unemployed person to carry one's heavy rucksack. I would be happy to pay them ten shillings a day.

    Now when people ask you can say that you have been to The South Pole.

  3. I didn't see any penguins or polar bears because polar bears live in the North Pole. A good Sherpa rucksack carrier would be very welcome.

  4. That is possibly the biggest basket of fries I have ever seen!

  5. They are very small baskets Debby made for the chips or fries. They serve super food.


A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...