Monday 1 August 2022

"No Not Really".

 I walked into one of those posh vitamin shops the other day.  I think it's called Amsterdam and Carrot or something.

The shop assistant asked "if she could help us?"  I said I was looking for some 'cheap' multivitamins because I will be doing a lot of walking very soon.

I was asked if I was in training and I told the lady I was and she said:  "What drinks are you taking?"

I nearly said: 'Lager, whisky".  But I didn't I just replied:


The shop assistant replied: "Not really!"

What's wrong with lucozade?  If you have had a lot to drink 🍸  the night before .  A bottle of Lucozade is like the hair of the dog 🐕 for me!

I bought the cheapest tub of multivitamins for 5 Euros.


  1. Somebody once told me that a bottle of water with half a packet of sugar mixed in would be a cheaper alternative to a bottle of lucozade. Not sure if they were joking!

  2. I don't know JayCee but it certainly gives you much needed energy. We're that posh that we have Lucozade and a bowl of fruit even when no-one is ill 🤒.

  3. Dave just eat lots of your homegrown veg and use the money you save on the potions for more life affirming drinks (and food). Some huge percentage of vitamin supplements just get p****d straight out again.

  4. Hi Tigger. I have been watching lots of hiking videos and reading the internet and a lot of them recommend taking vitamins and eating nuts and fruit and vegetables and drinking energy drinks. Thanks for your advice. I wonder if beer contains vitamins?😊

  5. My grandma used to sell Lucozade in her shop and always gave me a small bottle to drink when we visited. That was in the 1950s. It does not taste the same these days.

  6. Hi. I think a lot of chocolate bars and drinks either change their taste or get smaller each year. I use to love Barrs 'Strike' Cola. It was a mineral that you could buy in your local chip shop or newsagents. Thanks.

  7. Lucozade sounds just the thing. It's sugar that gives you a burst of energy. Good walking

  8. Thanks Linda. I love walking so much especially in nice scenery. It's an horrible wet Irish bank holiday Monday here today but it's supposed to perk up again by the end of the week. I hope so.

  9. I've suddenly started to appear as anon. in some of the comments I make.

  10. How strange Tasker. Thanks for commenting anyway.

  11. If you are going on a long walk take some "Mars" bars. Surely you haven't forgotten the slogan - "A Mars a day, helps you work, rest and play" and that includes walking. For drinks, there's this new-fangled product on the market - it's called water!

  12. I have updated this post with your Mars Bar suggestion YP. Could you imagine us telling our parents that we purchase bottled water? "What's wrong with that stuff that comes out of the tap?" The best water is uisge beatha distilled by a Scottish company called Dalwhinnie. I have visited there and drank a dram.

    1. I am proud to say that I completely stopped buying bottled water in 2019. What was I thinking of?

    2. I drink water like a fish. Bottled water is great to take with you when you're walking. The only downside is the use of so much plastic. They say take your rubbish home. But how much ends up in landfill? Remember when Del Boy and Rodney found their own Spring water on their Peckham allotment?

  13. I have a friend who owns an outdoor store. It's a very nice store and sometimes I go there. It is a bit disappointing to find that I'll never be a serious walker. They wear $45 hats and $60 pants and shirts. They have water bottles that cost $30 apiece. Not being an actual walker, I wear a ball cap, blue jeans and a tee shirt. My water bottle is a free one I got from work.

    Alas and alack.

  14. Thanks Debby. I have started to buy the hiking brands mainly because they are stylish and robust. I also wear an hat. A good pair of runners or trainers are great for walking on the flat and a good pair of boots for the hills. I also find a very small and light rucksack will carry any drinks or food.


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