Wednesday 24 August 2022

Talking About Seagulls.

 Whilst waiting for the ferry to the Great Blasket Islands I talked to the ferry ticket office lady.

We talked about the Atlantic storms in Winter and how the Blasket Island ferry stops running in September.  I said if I ever built an house again it would have it's own basement and we wouldn't even know the storms were present.  Instead we build houses for the view overlooking the bays. We both agreed.

I told her that I have read three books about the island and in particular I liked the Loneliest Boy In The World.  His only friends were Seagulls.   The lady told me that I would see lots of Seagulls on the ferry journey and on the island.  I think she thought I liked Seagulls and was perhaps an Anorak ? Talking of Anoraks.  We met Waterloo Man at Croperdy.  Stay tuned.  Why do I keep spelling Cropredy Croperdy?

I visited the Blasket Island Centre the  next day  on the mainland and saw the picture of the book.


  1. That boy would have plenty of flying friends here in Bath.

  2. Bath Seagulls? An American newspaper reporter and camera man visited the island when the author was a child. They came up with the title and people sent him presents from all over the world. Thanks Tom.

  3. The boy looks like a young Frank Spencer, "Oo Betty!"
    P.S. Are you saying you met Ray Davies at Cropredy?... Waterloo Sunset?

  4. He does doesn't he just? I once worked for a furniture removal company and I was informed by the lads that a Mr Frank Spencer once worked for the company. I am sure customers felt confident when Frank Spencer was carrying the bone China?

  5. Were there many people using the ferry crossing Dave?

  6. About ten people Rachel. We had to don lifejackets and climb into a rib like powered dinghy to land when we got close to the island. The visitors were mostly made up of Americans. It was very choppy water going there and like a millpond on the way back. Thanks!

  7. The book sounds interesting. I'll add it to my list. I looked up Blasket Isles on Google. An awesome place to visit.

  8. I enjoyed the book Linda. There are some good videos ofthe Blasket Islands on YouTube. Thanks.


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