Thursday, 5 January 2023

What If The B&B Proprietor Was An Inventor?

 It's raining again today down on the Irish Riviera.  Just for a change.  I have been feeding the livestock and chopping some firewood for the small front room stove tonight.  I haven't been for my six mile walk for a few weeks.  Perhaps it's time to go for a walk in my 'rainy day' suit or waterproofs even?

Talking of hiking in the rain: Mike Harding recalls staying at a Welsh boarding house after a wet hike 🚶‍♂️ and meeting a rather eccentric inventor.  I have read the book: Yorkshire Transvestite Found Dead On Everest.  Enjoy the video:


  1. I used to enjoy watching Mike Harding on the TV but am ashamed to say that I had forgotten him until this post reminded me.
    Thank you Dave for jogging my memory.

  2. Thanks for commenting JayCee. Mike is a very funny man and I have read several of his books. Footloose In The West Of Ireland features a chapter where we live here in Southwest Ireland. I think he lives in the Yorkshire Dale's and he's a keen rambler like yourself, me and YP.

  3. As you know, I am not one to boast but many years back I met Mike Harding in a pub in Ribblesdale. In those days he was on TV quite a lot but then he kind of disappeared. He is still very much alive at the age of 78.

    1. I remember you saying you had met him. A lot of humour would be deemed in appropriate for television these days. I spend many an hour watching favourite Comedian on You Tube.

  4. Was he saying sticky bums or sticky bombs? The accent was a bit hard to follow, I think I got most of it.

  5. Definitely sticky bombs River. He's got a North country accent like myself. Thanks.

  6. I saw his live show at York many moons ago (hilarious!) and hadn't heard anything about him for years, then he popped up in an episode of the remake of All Creatures Great and Small recently, looking much the same as ever.

  7. I think his show at York is on You Tube Tracy. I know someone who met him when he stayed at their B&B and walked our peninsula here in Ireland and Mike wrote about it in his walking book Footloose In The West Of Ireland. It's got many great photos including the pieta at the top of the Goats Path several miles from me. Thanks for commenting Tracy.

  8. Thanks for that. I will take a look!

  9. I didn't find York Tracy but there are lots of other places he performed like Buxton.

  10. That's a book title worthy of Mr Gray...

  11. Apparently Tom it's what a young lady/groupie said she had a "Genesis in my bed."


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...