Wednesday, 30 December 2020

A Good Tuesday Tea And A Glass Or Two Of Mulled Wine.

 We had a really nice tea last night.  The wife went to town to the German garden centre and  food and beer providers.  As there ever been a better thing to come our little bustling seaside town than good old Lidl? Any chance of a case of Czech beer or English beer or even Dunkels for that advert?  😊

Wifey duly came home with two pre packed steaks and cooked them in the solid fuel  range/ oven.  They cost five Euros twenty nine for two.   We ate them with chips and a peppered sauce that came from Aldi.

Whilst that was cooking.  We made a pan of mulled red wine on top of the range.  It's  really easy.  You get yourself a good bottle of wine and pour it in a pan and add a mulled wine tea bag/ sachet thingamyjig (Supervalu supermarket) and place it in the pan with some sliced apple.  Bring it to the boil and serve in some heat resistant glasses.  Cheers🍇:

Mulled wine sachets and the finished glass of mulled wine.  It's the best winter warmer we have drank since we had some Irish coffees the other night.  I'm having a dry January.  We managed one in October.  Do you like mulled wines?  Any good recipes?


  1. That sounds like a pretty good meal to me. Were the steaks Irish beef? We can get that over here and it is usually good quality.
    I don't think I have ever had mulled wine - red wine gives me a headache (and no, it's not because I drink too much of the stuff!) so I haven't dared to try it.

  2. Yes JayCee. Good old Irish beef. Mulled wine is a nice drink on a winter's day. It help you sleep too. Cheers🍸on your birthday.

  3. I have in years gone by made my own mulled wine. No sachets here. I used cinnamon sticks and a couple of Cloves, orange juice, a spoon of honey. One year I added black tea. I look at a couple a f recipes and use what's in the house. It's always good. Don't know why I haven't made any this year. Too warm I guess.

  4. It sounds great LA. We never have your problem that it's too hot. It's actually not raining today, for a change.😊

  5. Since I'm the only drinker in our house, it would be a waste. I made mulled cider one time. It was excellent. I think it would be a good new years eve drink. I may splurge in a bottle of wine for myeself.

  6. Why not Debby. We all need a good splurge after 2020.

  7. Not keen on mulled wine, but quite like the odd glass of red!

  8. Yes the veg artist. I am partial to a good South African red wine. I quite like a good Portuguese white wine too. Thanks👍.

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First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...