Saturday, 12 December 2020

Just Like A Child At Christmas.

Someone not me.  Bought Domino our smallholding cat his own "house" kennel or cennel,  seeing he is a cat.

It's upholstered and people often sit on it and use it for a seat.  I have seen Domino inside it about twice.

Last night we found Domino in a cardboard box on top of the cennel.

Typical.   It reminded me of when our kids were little.  You would fork out for a big lump of plastic.  I think they call them 'Toys'.  You see the toy discarded and they would be sat in the cardboard box in an imaginary car, plane or spaceship.



  1. Is it warm enough for Domino in that kennel? It's on the floor so cold might be the issue. Perhaps you could put some waste polystyrene under Domino's bedding. A piece of carpet beneath the kennel might also help. If you need any more tips about feline husbandry you only have to ask.

  2. It's in the kitchen next to the solid fuel range YP. Thanks for the feline housing advice.

  3. Perhaps Domino didn't like people sitting on his roof?

    1. Only Santa and Rudolph are allowed on the roofs JayCee. There is no chimney but he's got a magic key.

  4. That's cats for you. lol. I think that's what I like about them, they have their own minds.

  5. You are probably right Briony. Cats are individuals and characters.

  6. We've bought cat beds and blamkets and ours occasionally uses them, but then goes though a few weeks of sleeping somewhere else, and then somewhere else again, and may go back to an earlier place eventually. Yes, cardboard boxes feature in this, then a particular place on the floor.

    1. Our cats are characters and very choosy where they sleep Tasker.

  7. A new box is high on our Polly's likes list as well. She has high expectations over Christmas!

  8. Domino wanted something from Amazon, the cardboard box. Polly sounds like she knows what's best.

  9. Oh, my goodness. They are so funny, those pets. But we love them. I always said that I talked to my children as an adult would converse with an adult but I talk baby talk to the dog! I am new to your lovely blog.

    1. Hello Peace Thyme. We talk to our pets too. Thanks for calling my blog lovely Peace Thyme.

  10. Ha! Right this very moment, I have two waist high cardboard fortresses in my foyer, each of them carefully designed by their two owners. These will keep them engrossed after school is done. One of them has decided on turrets. He doesn't have enough boxes. Christmas morning will see him more interested in boxes than what's in them.

  11. Hi Debby. Hours and hours of fun. All is needed is on or two cardboard boxes and a child's imagination.

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First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...