Sunday, 13 December 2020

New Boots And A Good Hike.

Bantry Bay.

 My new walking boots arrived midweek via the post.  I paid twenty five Pounds for then from Amazon.  On Friday I put them on and walked round the house in them.

Yesterday I decided to give them a road test.  I couldn't  be mithered (northern English word) to walk and slip and slide over the saturated grass and peat and Rock of the hill tops in between the two bays where we live.

A lonely boreen with Bantry  Bay on the horizon.

A oak yellow Sheepshead  Way finger post.   But I kept to the roads.

Cattle outwintering.  They looked very healthy and one said: "Wot you looking at Mister?"

Paul McCartney's  'Long , lonely road '

started to play in my head.

Then back down on  our North side of the peninsula.  Which is on the South side of Bantry Bay.  I walked between nine and ten miles.  Met a few walkers and one car.  Steeleye Span was my walking soundtrack via Spotify and my ear phones.  No blisters to report and a very good walk was had by my new boots and yours truly.  


  1. I a pleased to learn that your new boots were comfy and that you have now broken them in. You never know how new boots will be until you have done your first long walk in them. £25 - a bargain price.

  2. Thanks YP. They were cheap and have a synthetic upper but the tread is very thick and robust and suitable for walking on tarmac. I feel like I have had half my moneys worth already.

    1. I prefer a synthetic top. Leather walking boots need too much care to keep them supple.

    2. I agree and they soon dry. Only down side I find is you get very sweaty feet, especially when it's hot.

    3. I have never suffered from sweaty feet myself because I am a normal human being.

    4. Sleep in a tent and wake up to the aroma from your boots and you will know what I mean YP. Perhaps I have roughed it too much on my walking travels?🤔

    5. Perhaps you have a medical problem and require surgery to block your ambulatory sweat glands.

    6. Hot weather and miles of walking more likely.

  3. It's always a bit chancy buying footwear online, we recently had to send slippers back because they didn't fit.
    As for songs in your head, I seem to be able to find a song to fit everything, but then I know I'm just slightly odd. lol
    Like, 'these boots were made for walking' lol

  4. It is Briony. I recently bought some light walking shoes and was disappointed with the tread. I put insoles in them and they are OK on soft ground. My mental jukebox was playing the same song when I was composing this post.

  5. Very good boots if you didn't get any blisters. Great place to walk and listen to your favourite group. Cobwebs blown away, spirit renewed

  6. Yes they did their job Linda. Two pairs of socks helped. Music is a good accompaniment when you're walking on your own. It's like having a soundtrack with you. Walking clears your head and the endorphins make you feel great.

  7. No blisters and a great walk. They were worth every penny.
    I have also found that wearing two pairs of socks helps.

  8. Yep. Yes the two pairs of socks definitely helps. I love walking. It's wet and windy here today. Such a contrast to yesterday.

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