Wednesday, 23 December 2020

A Nice Christmas Display In The German Garden Centre And Beer And Food Providers.

We went shopping in Kerry yesterday again.  It rained most of the time but we did get to go in Iceland for English cheese, Heinz Beanz n Sausages, Ravioli and Vimto.  We also went to an off licence and I came home with a slab of Newcastle Brown Ale and some Somersby cider for number 2 son.  The last time he drank that was in the Algarve.  I hope we can still get these things after Brexit? 

We also went in Lidl and I took a photo of their indoor Christmas display.  Like the shop window displays I blogged about a few weeks ago.  I think its  wonderful that people go to the effort to make the seasonal scenes which I am sure are enjoyed by people of all ages:

Lidl indoor Christmas display.

Fairplay for making the display.


  1. I'm all in favour of anything that makes us smile at the moment!

  2. I agree the veg artist. We live in strange times and we all need something to make us smile. Thanks.

  3. Someone enjoyed putting that together, I bet.

  4. It's got to have been better than their usual routine in the supermarket JayCee? I would stack shelves but I couldn't work on a till. The Lidl in the photo is in Castleisland in County Kerry. Fair play to them for making an effort.

  5. A "slab" of Newcastle Brown Ale? You mean like a slab of concrete? Could be a bit difficult to swallow. Mind you there are some hard blokes up in Geordieland. I went to Lidl last night and the staff were wearing Lidl Christmas sweaters. I would love one of those.

  6. They have the jumpers for sale in Lidl YP. There less than 8 Euros. I nearly bought one.

    Twenty four cans of Newcy Brown. They get it from a supplier up in the North of Ireland. I fear that we won't be able to buy English products because of the tariffs if or when Brexit happens.

    I was shocked to find HP sauce ("Houses of Parliament") is now made in the Netherlands.

    1. About the jumpers - the staff jumpers had the "Lidl" logo knitted into them in the middle. You can't buy them.

    2. You can buy jumpers with the "Lidl" logo. Honest YP.

    3. I believe you though thousands wouldn't. I will look out for one next year - unless they are in post-Christmas sales.

    4. You can buy "Lidl" socks and trainers too. Google them YP.

  7. Their display is minimal with warnings. No tinsel down the wine aisle? At least you got to see it and do some shopping. Our nearest Lidl is an hour and a half and another county away.
    I wanted some Beaujolais. Next year !

  8. Happy Christmas 🎄Linda. Yes it's minimal but it's good of them to make the effort. We drove two hours to get my Newcastle Brown Ale and pass the day shopping in Lidl and especially Iceland and the off licence for stuff we can't get in West Cork. Thanks.

  9. What is it about sons and cider? I suppose I drank it at that age. Mind you, didn't care what brand it was. There's youth for you.

  10. I know Tasker. We use to take a letter to the local off licence when I was about 15 saying: Please give my son two bottles of Strongbow cider, 12 cans of Heldenbrau lager, a bottle of Pernod and ten Benson and Hedges and a box of matches.

    They always served us.

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