Monday, 18 April 2022

A Nice Water Colour Find At The Carboot Sale.


We picked this water colour painting at a carboot sale ("where  else?") yesterday morning.  The frame and painting look very old, probably Victorian or Edwardian?

In the right hand corner it says Killiney, M,M, cD.

Killiney is a posh area of Dunlaoghaire near Dublin.  Famous residents include Bono and The Edge.  Or two members of the band U2.  I saw them at a Christian music Rock festival called Greenbelt in Odell in Bedfordshire before they became megastars and I didn't think much of them.  Shows what I know.

On the back of the picture there's writing:

It says Miss  M M McDonald Exhibitor RA.  That's Royal Academy isn't it?

I decided to Google MM McDonald and found a Margaret McDonald Mackintosh who was born Margaret McDonald near Tipton near Wolverhampton and was a member of the 'Glasgow  four' who pioneered the Art Nouveau  Movement. Could our carboot sale find be one of this famous artist's paintings?

Or perhaps it could be by Madeleine M McDonald who is listed to have been a RA exhibitor?  The plot thickens.

A nice mornings work that only cost me five Euros!

Hey perhaps I could be on Fake or Fortune With Fiona Bruce?  Wasn't her brother called Steve and played for the wonderful MU? Imagine Fiona with a Geordie accent? "Why aye man!"

How would you research  an artist other than Professor Google?  Think I will email the RA this week.

This time next year we will be Millionaires and we will have our luxury villa in the Algarve.  

It's old so it's got to be worth a couple of hundred Pounds/Euros?


  1. Yes Tigger. It's that Toyah song: "It's a mystery".

  2. Hope it's a real treasure. What fun you have with these sales

    1. Thanks Linda. I love searching for treasure.

  3. Don't forget your faithful blog friends when you become a rich art collector !

  4. I won't JayCee. I am a collector and I think I will keep the painting. It would be good to know it's provenance though.

  5. Fiona Bruce's brother was Hull City's best ever manager. Unlike Fiona, his face must have been crumpled by a Number 88 bus. As for the artist, I did a little research on your behalf and I believe you should be looking at Madeleine M McDonald who seems to have always been precious about her middle initial. She lived between 1874 and 1942.

  6. He should have played for England. Thanks so much for doing the research YP. I will look her up. Thanks again.

  7. How exciting is this!!!! I can't wait to hear what you find out!

  8. Yes Debby. I will keep searching.

  9. Another good find there Dave. I don't think she is the Glasgow Four Boys (and girls) McDonald because that painting is not her style. I did a course on the Glasgow Boys, some of my favourite art, last year. Good luck with the research.

  10. Thanks Rachel. I will keep searching this artist.


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