Saturday, 30 April 2022

Picture Of Pets Around The Smallholding.

 Debby ( Lifes Funny Like That, blog) across the pond wished to see some more photos of our four legged friends who live with us down on the Irish Riviera.  Your wish is my command Debby:

Heidi and Midnight playing Kung Fu fighting in the Bamboo.

The tree is my Myrtle tree which I bought from St James garden fete in Durrus in a plant pot for 1.50 about twenty years ago.  It's now  fifteen feet high.  Sir Walter Raleigh brought them to Ireland with the potatoes, tobacco and his bicycles from Nottingham.😊

Midnight the cat sat on a fence post with the bay in the background.  

Little Miss.

Rosie the Golden Retriever Rapper and me wearing a Jimi Hendrix t shirt.

Not forgetting Domino sunbathing in his new secondhand Conservatory.

They are the domestic pals.


  1. Looks like they are enjoying a great life with you Dave.

  2. They are characters JayCee. There is never a dull moment when they are around.

  3. I didn't realise you had more cats than Domino. Is Domino the only one who comes in the house? Thanks for sharing the photos Dave.

  4. They all come into our houses Rachel. The two black ones have been neutered and are recent additions. I don't think Little Miss could catch a mouse. Domino is an excellent mouser and rather. Thanks!

  5. Midnight looks quite the acrobat doesn't he (or she). Little Miss looks liks the kind of cat my humans go all soft over. I bet she has hidden talents. And tell rapper Rosie that my tablet cover looks just like hers. Paw smacks to them all Mr T

    1. A high five to you Tigger. You are part of the A Team. I love it when a plan comes together.

  6. Does Domino get extra rations for being a draught excluder? I couldn't make him out at first.

    1. He gets his treats along with cat food and left overs the veg artist. That's his day bed when it's his siesta time on the Irish Riviera.

  7. Have you ever considered a few more pets? They say that a full grown adult alligator can make a lovely, cuddly housemate - but you need a big pond so maybe you will have to hire a JCB digger. Anyway, it's something to think about Dave.

  8. We have some other animals YP. Number one son's got his digger ticket so perhaps we should for a West Cork alligator YP?


Filling Up The Repurposed Raised Bed And Weeding.

 A busy day on the smallholding veg plot: I filled up the repurposed oil tank this morning with fym and home-made compost and topsoil. Then ...