Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Tight Wad Pelargoniums Shopping.

 We went in Wasp and Snooker Cue (B & Q)  in Cork on Monday.  We were looking for some seat cushions to make window seats in our new (secondhand) Conservatory.  They hadn't got any in stock like most things coming from post Brexit England. Or the UK like they say on Sky News.  At least Tyson Fury did his ring walk to 'Jerusalem'.  Not the Emerson, Lake and Palmer version but it was good any way!

We walked round and were gobsmacked at some of the prices like 77 Euros for a wheelbarrow.  When i got married in 1995 it cost us 69 Pounds each for a four days coach holiday in Cornwall with days out and bed and breakfast and evening meal.  No jest!

Any road or any way if you were not  born up North.  We went outside to the Robert Plant (horticultural) section and I saw they were selling off plant plugs.  20 Pelargonium plugs for four Euros.   I duly paid the cashier and brought them home to 'Portugal' my beloved polytunnel friend.

I had almost run out of bought potting compost to repot them so I decided to find my builders trowel and scraped all the spilt compost from under my potting bench and polytunnel path.  I managed to pot up twenty pelargoniums.

Bob's your uncle or there you have it!


  1. What a bargain. B&Q is a day trip out for us, but perhaps we need a visit soon.

    1. It was a bargain JayCee but they didn't have our seat covers so we bought some in Woodies. Brexit is making it difficult to source things from England and much more expensive. I can't even get my Newcastle Brown Ale anymore.😅

  2. You should have been born a cockney Dave - as you are always making up new words for things. A pelargonium could be another name for a hernia or a secondhand conservatory.

    1. Alwight my old China. They are posh Geraniums YP.

  3. Bugger! I just typed a funny comment but it's gone missing. I think that Mr Google-Blogger has had another bright idea for posting comments but it does not always work. Now I am so mad I can't be funny any more.

    1. Drat! Its annoying when the Gremlins attack.

  4. Not only is Bob your Uncle, but Mary's your Aunt. Good deal.


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