Monday, 11 April 2022

Polytunnel Potatoes In Growing Bags.

 Remember when we bought the potato growing bags at the carboot sale a few weeks ago? 

I quarter to half filled them with compost and planted chitted seed potatoes in them.  I regular water them and today I noticed their green shoots growing through the compost.

In a day or so I will cover them with compost and this will work in a similar way to earthing them up on a potato ridge.

It proves to me yet again that anyone can grow vegetables where they live.  You don't even need a garden or allotment to grow and enjoy  your own vegetables and especially new potatoes.

Anyone else growing potatoes this way? 

Someone was telling me on the ferry the other day that he knew someone who 'set' or planted their seed potatoes in JUNE and they had a whopper crops! So there is still plenty of time to grow some.


  1. We are going back to our old way of just planting them in the ground. The tire method did not seem to work for us. However, I will not debate your method. It looks like it works. Who can argue with success!

    1. We only grow earlies or new potatoes Debby. I have some growing in the bags and a polystyrene welder packaging case in the polytunnel and a two rows outside in the veg plot.

  2. Good to know it is not too late. I must set my Head Gardener onto it right away!

  3. Please do and please post some photos of your plot on your blog JayCee. Is P making raised beds or will you grow them in the ground or in big plant pots? Any signs of a greenhouse or a polytunnel perhaps?

  4. I hope you get a good crop Dave. Tell me, do you get much slug damage on The Irish Riviera?

  5. Thanks YP. Yes we are plagued with slugs and snails. Especially the Brassicas. I don't like using slug pellets but the wife does. I see they have banned them in Blighty.

  6. I've given up on potatoes after last year's failure. I put potatoes in spare places in pots. No potatoes. But probably too hot and overwatering.
    I'll just buy them

  7. I have seen potatoes growing in winter in the Algarve Linda. Perhaps you should try growing them in Winter?

  8. I grow potatoes in my reclained supermarket cut flower buckets (with drainage) Eack bucket produces ameal for 3 adults, when they first crop. Later harvests more.
    I grew some very early ones and they were about 5 inches tall, then the mice dug them up.
    Kathy. !!

  9. Hi Kathy. Your cut flower buckets sound a good method for growing potatoes. Mice can cause problems. Slugs ate my new germinated lettuce plants the other day.


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