Thursday 14 April 2022

Easter Bunny Shop Window In Kerry.

 We noticed this shop window display  in Kerry last weekend.  It's been decorated with rabbits in human clothes for Easter.  Perhaps one of them is the Easter Bunny?

I love it when people/shopkeepers go to the trouble of decorating their shop windows for special celebrations like Christmas and Easter.  Have you seen the Easter bunny this year?

I am sure they attract customers into the shop and make people smile.

Happy Easter to you all out there in blog land!


  1. I haven't seen The Easter Bunny but I have seen The Easter American Grey Squirrel and The Easter Wood Pigeon, The Easter Magpie and The Easter Neighbour's Cat.

  2. Will The Easter Wood Pigeon lay a chocolate Easter egg?

    1. No, but he will crap on our decking.

    2. That's supposed to be a sign of good luck. Especially if it lands on you.

  3. Oops...I think I have just eaten the Easter Bunny. Nice stew though.

  4. You have ate the Easter Bunny? No I have you seen him dressed up like Peter Rabbit.

  5. Shop windows here have Easter chickens and Easter Sheep - work that out!

  6. Hi Tigger. Different aren't they? I love it when shopkeepers make the effort and dress their shop windows.

  7. I haven't seen any bunnies or lambs around here. I'd love to see a window full of cute Easter bunnies.

  8. Decorated shop windows make us smile Linda. They should be awarded prizes for their displays. The photo was taken in a shop in Castleisland in County Kerry.

  9. Happy Easter. My sister and I will hide 216 eggs in the woods for the children. I guess we will be the Easter Bunnies. I wish I could wiggle my ears!

  10. Happy Easter Debby. How kind of you to hide the eggs in the woods. I can twitch my nose like a rabbit.

    1. My sister will gather 30 of us plus kids. It's our way of getting them outside for a while and worn out.

  11. Sounds like good fun and hopefully they will be tired afterwards Debby?


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