Sunday, 1 May 2022

Sea Dogs Perhaps?


It's been fabulous weather down here on the Irish Riviera in West Cork.  We have had a barbecue, drank Sangria and took the dogs for a swim and a paddle about.

We live only a few minutes by car to the pebble beach.  You can see the girls having fun and Hungry Hill in the background over on Beara peninsula.

April has been a rather nice month!  These 3 photos were taken yesterday.  Today it's mizzle and rain.  At least the plants will get a much needed drink.  


  1. I hope that lovely weather cones back soon. It's chilly and damp today isn't it.

  2. It is JayCee but the plants are loving it. To think we made Sangria and had a barbecue the other night in April.

  3. Aarrrgghhh water! Tiggers despise the stuff. My human says it looks idyllic. My garden as you called it was actually a farmpark in north Athens - closest we get to a bit of real green.

  4. Surely you like fish Tigger? Domino loves it.

  5. I did not realize you had two dogs! It looks like a great day to live in your corner of the world.

    1. Yes Debby. Heidi is only 8 months old. It's a nice place to live when the sun is shining and not blowing a gale.

  6. How far do you have to travel to reach a nice sandy beach Dave? Are there one or two on The Sheep's Head Peninsula?

    1. There is nice one in Kilcrohane YP. Barley Cove on Mizen is about half an hour drive away. There is Ownahincha in Clonakilty.

    2. Ownahincha sounds like a Japanese beach - with American GI's storming it in WWII.

    3. 'Tain't a bird' a US flying fortress landed on Inchydoney near Clonakilty with a mascot monkey during ww2 YP.

  7. We have rain again today. Lovely mizzle. The tomatoes I planted will be loving it

    1. Sounds like our weather yesterday Linda.

    2. Great to see the dogs amongst the rocks Dave.

    3. Yes Rachel. Hopefully we will have a great Summer. Thanks.


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