Tuesday, 17 May 2022

New Chicks In The Vivarium And Browsing In Skips.

 More creatures arrived at the smallholding last week.   We put them in the vivarium over the snakes and other reptiles and they are warm and doing very well.

All we have to do now is  build a chicken coop and pen for them.  

We went to the recycling centre in town yesterday to get rid of our plastic and cans and bottles and wifey noticed some rolled up green metal fencing mesh.  I was a bit peeved because she saw them first and asked the people who run it how much they wanted for the mesh? Luckily we have an estate car and we made two trips with the rolled up mesh.  They gave us the mesh for free! 

We were happy bunnies and the chicks will be when we make their coop.


  1. Unless the snakes get them first!!

  2. True. I thought St Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland?😊

    What did St Patrick say when he drove the snakes out of Ireland? "Are ye alright in the back lads?"

    1. Ha, ha. Love that one 😂

    2. More jokes tomorrow or if YP pops over here.

    3. I just popped over. Well that's a fib. I didn't actually pop over, I slid over hissing like Kaa in "The Jungle Book". You are going to make a Co-op for your chicks? Mick Jagger paid his chicks' minibar bills before booting them out.

    4. Keith Richard's penned 'Ruby Tuesday' after his girlfriend went off with Jimi Hendrix. I wanted to call one of the donkeys 'Bianca' and was told that was the name of a stripper.🤔

    5. She is a character in Shakespeare's "Othello" but she doesn't strip off.

    6. Oh right! Does Shakespeare still make fishing tackle?

    7. They look good. I think Sir Walter Raleigh owned a bicycle factory.

  3. JayCee beat us - we bet those chicks aren't best pleased with snakes in the basement. We do love those recycling centres - got our best wheelbarrow from one (also for free).

    1. Snakes in the basement is a good description Tigger. One person's trash is another person's treasure.

  4. I cant wait to see how you make a coop. When we got our chickens it was just before the lockdown. I didnt really have a plan for a chicken coop so we got one off the internet. the damn thing leaked and we had to nearly rebuild it from scratch. I am glad we have chickens. Our soil here is pure clay. it is going to need a huge amount of improvements over the years to get it to where I want it. We are looking about again for some POL girls. We didnt want to go and look in the bird lockdown, as we dont want to bring bad things back to our ladies. We will get some and house them in the trees in quarantine before they go in with our girls. (when I say trees, we have a small wooded area. the other side of the garden).

  5. Hi Sol there are pictures of 3 Coops on page 132 of The Concise Guide To Self Sufficiency. John Seymour even used old fertilizer bags to waterproof his Homemade Ark roof. Have you thought about getting goats or pigs to tackle your overgrown new garden? The pigs would root everywhere and even fertilize the ground. My new nanny goats have done an amazing job clearing the brambles.. Think I would go for raised vegetables beds for the clay soil or improve it with lots of fym and gravel for drainage.

  6. Wow! What an excellent find! You two are lucky ducks. You'll fit right in with all your other critters!

  7. Hi Debby. You have got to seek to find. I have missed your posts from over the Pond.

    1. And the seeking is as much fun than the finding. This is very exciting, Northsider, watching you put together your own little self sufficiency.


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