Sunday, 22 May 2022

Bed Of Roses.

We woke up at 5.30 and it was throwing it down so we decided not to go to sell at the carboot sale.  There was no way that the car was getting stuck in the middle of a field and we would have to pay someone to tow us with a tractor.  Been there, got the T shirt! This was after we had spent half an hour yesterday filling the estate with trays full of my own propagated perennials.  Rain stopped play.  Never mind there will be other carboot sales another time.

 The sun and rain is great for flowers.  Two of the Rose's and some Osteospermums are in flower.  You can also see the yellowy lime green leaves of the Montbretia which is a pernicious weed in the West Of Ireland.  It originates in Africa and the other non native Fuschia originates in Chile.  I suppose they came on the Gulf Stream?

My late dad gave us the purple rose before he died and it always makes me a little sad when I see it in flower.   Do you have any sentimental plants in your garden?

It would be a good time to visit some gardens open to the public this weekend.  It's going to be showery but the verdant flowers will make up for any rain.

I saw them at "Monsters Of Rock" at Castle Donington.  Before the concert they flew over the biblical multitudes in two helicopters with Bonjovi emblazoned on the sides and waved to us all.  I don't think the support band "Wasp" liked their set being interrupted.  Happy days!


  1. Lovely to have a purple rose that reminds you of your father. We have a few plants that my mother gave me and one that my old mate Bert passed on. He is 85 and still alive and almost every week he asks me about that border plant. We don't know its proper name and don't really care so I just call it The Bert Plant.

  2. I have read about on your blog before YP. If I remember he is a life long Labour voter. I like the idea of The Bert Plant. Do you remember Bert Baxter in Adrian Mole? He was like the Coronation Street character Percy Sugden: "From heroes to thugs in forty years" was one of his famous sayings.

  3. Shame that rain stopped play. Oh well, the plants will be more established by the time the next car boot sale comes around so you can charge more!

  4. I have got literally hundreds of them in plant pots and it was just typical for it to rain when we had loaded up the car. I might try advertising them in the local newspaper? I am sure there will be plenty more carboot sales JayCee. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Seasons are a curious thing - osteospermums are just finishing here. F extended the ones on the balcony by deadheading them daily but it's a Sisaphean task. Shame about the boot sale wash-out.

    1. Yes Tigger deadheading certainly helps to keep them flowering. It dried up after we decided not to go carbooting and then it rained again at noon. I think we got May weather in April and vice versa. Thanks.

  6. We are so lucky to have roses and geraniums that were planted by the previous owner. They are all in flower now

    1. Any chance of photos of them on your blog Linda?


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