Sunday 8 October 2023

Alcohol Prices In The Algarve And Over Here And In Blighty.

 Photos from Lidl in the Algarve last October. 1.99 for a decent bottle of Portuguese wine.  You would pay at least 5.99 for an average bottle of wine over here in Ireland.
6  bottles of Heineken cerveja or beer for 3.99.  It 13 something here.  

I am seriously thinking of having a break from alcohol.  It's far too expensive and would probably do me good both health wise and financially? 

I had a "dry " October two years a go.  I felt great physically but mentally I felt down at times and very bored.  I even tried none alcohol beer.  It was boring and water would have sufficed to feel the same.

I do think Governments put too much duty on alcohol.  It's  The Budget in Ireland this week.  I bet they increase the tax on alcohol? They always do.   I never go in  Irish pubs these days because it's too expensive at 5 .50 a pint and a taxi is fifteen Euros one way.  That's if you can get one?

When I was in Blighty in August I paid 2 Pounds six pence for a pint of Doombar in a certain popular brewery chain.  

Any one brew their own beer? I have tried a few times with beet kits but I wasn't struck.  Perhaps I never let them mature enough?


  1. Homebrewing would be consistent with smallholding lifestyle. Get a proper fermentation vessel with airlock etc, choose your brewing yeast carefully and get all science about it and you can make some really good beers. My Dad made some fracking good beer at home.

  2. Sounds the way to go Tigger's Mum. I know Kev at English Homestead brews homebred. When I lived in England there was a man near me who use to sell homebrew for ten Bob a bottle. He was some entrepreneur.

  3. Brews home brew. Stupid autocorrect.

  4. My dad used to make his own home brew in a huge black plastic dustbin. I vaguely remember some stuff he decanted into bottles that exploded at some point. Not sure of it was beer or something else but it certainly made a mess.

  5. It's been said before: "I have an alcohol problem. I can't afford it."
    Used to make lots of beer when younger, and wine more recently. The darker the beer the better. Brown ale was most drinkable. The wine kits from Wilkos were good, But the kits became so expensive they weren't worth the bother, and putting it all together yourself takes time.
    These days I have been advised to drink lots for medical reasons. I tell them that I am without adding that at least a pint comes in a bottle at tea time.

  6. Perhaps it was Barley Wine JayCee? It would be a good hobby for you and P to start? I knew someone (not me) who sampled their homebrew when it was only 2 weeks old. They said they couldn't wait and they were very ill. I also heard of a West Cork poteen maker who had his house raided by the guards and his court case was published in the local newspaper. He said it was the best free advert he had ever had.😊

  7. I miss English bitter Tasker especially Midlands and Northern England beers. The best water for making beer is supposed to be Burton On Trent. I always buy Newcastle Brown Ale when I am in Blighty.

  8. Time to think seriously of a move to the Algarve! Or Greece. A 2 litre bottle of Greek wine, red for me , is 3.99 in Lidls here. A bottle of french sauv blanc which I bought two weeks ago was 4 euros.
    A 6 pack Heineken is 5-6 euros, 4 something when it's on special. A taxi to our house and back, 6 ks up the mountain , is 10 euros. Though the taxi fare will possibly rise. Haven't taken a taxi in years. Most of us have a motorbike/scooter or a quad bike like me.

  9. Ps we get a lot of sunshine too 😁

  10. We really get taxed over here compared to the Mediterranean and Portuguese islands Linda. Thanks for sharing prices with us. It's eye opening. Thanks.

  11. I don't drink alcohol so the prices don't bother me, but I commiserate with those that do and pay through the nose for it.

  12. Good point River. People go abroad for sun holidays, cheap accommodation and inexpensive food and drink. I have paid one Euro for a large glass of excellent Czech beer in Bratislava. Thanks for commenting.

  13. For different reasons I have really cut down on beer and wine consumption - cost being one of those reasons. I reckon I was spending £50 a week on alcohol. That's £200 a month or £2400 a year. Yesterday was an exception - it being my 70th birthday. Two pints of Bakewell Bitter with lunch then a bottle of champagne at home and four pints of Stones bitter up at "The Hammer and Pincers" quiz.

  14. Sounds like a great birthday YP. Smoking and drinking can be very expensive when you add it up on a weekly basis. So can going to work. When you add up your food and drink and fuel/transport costs.

    1. Going to work is an overrated pastime in my opinion.

  15. It conflicts with your social life. I would give everyone a three day working week if they wanted it. Time to hike, tend your allotment and enjoy your leisure time.

  16. The cheapest wine I found here was $8.99 a bottle. Most of it is at least $4 more. My son brews beer. He has accumulated

  17. Thanks for showing us your alcohol prices Debby. Any chance of your son doing a guest brewing beer post on your blog?

  18. Huh. I wonder how half my comment disappeared? He started out small, but he accumulates equipment and has increasingly enlarged the operation. I can assure you that there is absolutely NO chance he would do a demonstration. My kids hate my blog.

  19. That's funny Debby. My family don't read my blog and have no interest in growing stuff like perennials or vegetables.


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